Listing of Source ../source/GOF/
package se.entra.phantom.server;

import java.util.Vector;

 * This is an adapter class that must be used as a base class for classes implementing
 * the GofHostAreaIdentifier interface.
 * <p>
 * Extending from this class, instead of directly implementing the interface, makes
 * it possible to extend the interface with new methods in the future, without forcing
 * a re-compilation of user written GofHostAreaIdentifier classes. Default versions of 
 * these new methods can instead be implemented in this adapter class.
 * @author J. Bergström
public abstract class GofHostAreaIdentifierAdapter implements GofHostAreaIdentifier
  // ------------------
  // ------------------

   * All the GofHostFields that belongs to this area.
  protected Vector<GofHostField> areaGofHostFields = new Vector<GofHostField>();

   * All the controls that have been added to this area.
  protected Vector<PhantomControl> phantomControls = new Vector<PhantomControl>();

  // -----------
  // -----------

   * The constructor is a default constructor without any parameters. This makes it possible to 
   * load this class dynamically. The constructor doesn't do anything more than create the 
   * instance.
  public GofHostAreaIdentifierAdapter( )

  // ----------------
  // ----------------

   * This method should get all the settings from the configuration file needed for this class.
   * <p>
   * Classes extending from this class that needs to read in their own settings from the configuration
   * file, <b>must</b> implement this method, since this default implementation don't do anything.
   * @param confFile   A reference to the IniFile instance that holds the current server configuration file's settings.
   * @param subsection The name of the subsection used for the current Gui-on-the-Fly settings.
  public void getAreaSettings( IniFile confFile, String subsection )

   * This method must implement the code for identifying the area the class is supposed to identify. 
   * It should also store the GofHostFields that belong to this area in the areaGofHostFields Vector.
   * <p>
   * This adapter class only implements an empty method. Classes extending this class <b>must</b>
   * extend this method.
   * @param gofHostFields A <code>Vector</code> containing all the GofHostFields in the part of the 
   *                      screen area to be analyzed.
   * @param x             The start column of the area to be analyzed.
   * @param y             The start line of the area to be analyzed.
   * @param w             The width of the area to be analyzed.
   * @param h             The height of the area to be analyzed.
   * @return The adapters default method just returns <code>null</code>.
   * @see #areaGofHostFields
  public Vector<GofHostField> identifyArea( Vector<GofHostField> gofHostFields, int x, int y, int w, int h )
    return null;

   * This method gets all the GofHostFields belonging to this area.
   * @return This area's GofHostFields.
  public Vector<GofHostField> getAreasGofHostFields( )
    return areaGofHostFields;

   * Adds a new PhantomControl to the area. The method stores the control internally 
   * in a <code>Vector</code> in the class. This makes it possible for class extending
   * this class to implement the laying out of the components.
   * @param phantomControl The control to add to this area.
  public void addControl( PhantomControl phantomControl )
    phantomControls.addElement( phantomControl );

   * This method should layout the controls belonging to this area according to the layout rule 
   * specified by the parameter.
   * <p>
   * This adapter class only implements an empty method. Classes extending this class <b>must</b>
   * extend this method.
  public void layout( )