Fixes in NetPhantom 2.00 Build 432
  • Client could cause NullPointerException when closed and running outside the browser.
  • User Authentication doesn't work correctly, the application doesn't display the panels.
  • Changing text file from REXX doesn't update menus in panels that already are displayed.
  • Checkbox and radio button background color not the same as panel background color.
  • REXX parameters that should accept numeric value or empty string, did not accept empty string with space characters. E.g. PanSetCtlClr('MYCTL','1',' ') resulted in a NumberFormatException.
  • A listbox vertical scrollbar got a wrong height when it had PgUp/PgDn buttons, horizontal scrollbar and "Vertical scrollbar has list height".
  • REXX function PanGetText did not handle special variables such as "*APPDIR" and "*PROGVER".
  • Special variable "*APPDIR" appended a final directory separator character.
  • The R2NR program (for UNIX systems) could not convert some Phantom Runtime applications with the NetRexxConversion utility.
  • PanPreload could in rare cases produce IndexOutOfBoundsException.
  • When running the client inside IE4+ and using a reference to an nonexistant external image, a NullPointerException could occur.
  • Text references to text file and host fields were not resolved correctly in certain parts of Business Graphics.
  • Focus was changed to the page buttons in a list box when pressed and not always restored correctly.
  • List box header a little bit too high.
  • Last line (not containing any data) was made visible thus causing the list to be scrolled to the bottom (even without a vertical scroll bar). This error was introduced from version 1.10 build 305.
  • A Phantom Session Booster application that didn't have PSB.INI in the application directory caused locking of the PSB.INI file resource under non-Windows operating systems.
  • No message to the client indicating if an application was disabled or the number of concurrent users on the server exceeded, rather the message "Communications failure with the NetPhantom Server".
  • Pressing Alt+key to activate a push button didn't change focus to it and had no visual rendering effect for being clicked.
  • Alt+C keystroke was eaten up by a focused list box.
  • When all child windows in an application panel were removed, the keyboard focus was lost.
  • When running the client inside the browser, the applet seemed to have input focus, but didn't.