Fixes in NetPhantom 2.10

These are fixes done since version 2.00 Build 432.

  • 000308 0945OB setAccelerator() is not defined for JMenu
    java.lang.Error: setAccelerator() is not defined for JMenu. Use setMnemonic() instead.
    at javax/swing/JMenu.setAccelerator
    at se/entra/phantom/client/PMenu.update
    at se/entra/phantom/client/PPanel.updatePanel
    at se/entra/phantom/client/SessionManager.r
    at se/entra/phantom/client/SessionManager.processInboundTransaction
    at se/entra/phantom/client/
    at java/lang/
  • 000327 1411OB java.lang.NullPointerException
    When using Netscape and Java Plug-in 1.1.3 you got a java.lang.NullPointerException if images couldn't be loaded.
  • 000310 0930OB AdminServerAdress
    If you have specified AdminServerAdress in server.ini the licenspanel shows Localhost
  • 000310 0919OB PanListInsertData
    Filling a listbox from Rexx using PanListInsertData with color attributes displays || when there is no data to be display e.g. in empty cells.
  • 000310 1329OB Server GUI-configuration (RCONSOLE)
    Menu Server / Configure server
    Notebook Page Country
    Combobox for "Date-separator" contains only a dash ("-") additionally a dot (".") would be fine; [Perhaps you find a better GUI-solution, since this tiny characters are hardly to read / differentiate.]
  • 000323 1041OB Maximum concurrent users
    In the bundled installation for developers the maximum of concurrent users were set to 3. Typing in a valid license code did not affect that value. It is now possible to fill in password to make the developerversion an ordinary one.
  • 000310 1337OB XML cross-reference does not work
    XML cross-reference does not work (it stops the java-session with a NullPointerException).
  • 000310 1342OB JavaScript problems
    Running an applet outside the browser using JavaScript sometimes gives you an error messages and finally starts the applet INSIDE the browser. This problem is due to applet resize.
  • 000315 1539OB Web Server produces error log entries
    The NetPhantom Web Server produces error log entries for aborted client requests or if the client hangs up too quickly. This is misleading and should be suppressed.
  • 000323 1016OB Timing problem in ListBox
    Timing problem with focus and multi-select in listboxes (build 437).
  • 000323 1025OB Restart in StartUNIX
    Restart in StartUNIX now works. The new StartUNIX batch file also works fine under AS/400 QSH. The problem was that Unix return codes was in bytes not integer. Also changed syntax to make it cleaner. It is enabled for the next NetPhantom release that can do remote upgrade.
  • 000323 1021OB File Chooser Dialog error
    When running the server with java.exe on Windows, selecting a new drive in the combo-box for drives caused the server to hang.
  • 000329 1734OB HTTP 1.1 and Basic Authentication
    Browsers with HTTP 1.0 that are using Basic Authentication instead of Digest did get a "Forbidden"-message when logging in.
  • 000310 1035OB Hard Java VM restart on AS400 does not work
  • 000310 1538OB Suns JDK 1.2 considerations
    Using JDK 1.2 resulting in possible zip-exeptions regarding NetPhantomClient.jar and NetPhantomServer.jar.
  • 000310 1625OB Focus problems
    Problems with focus for [F10](menus) in standalone applications.
  • 000314 1541OB Digest authentication problems
    Sometimes Digest authentication doesn't work with Internet Explorer 5.0
  • 000314 1549OB Cacheproblem
    In some cases resources gets cached out too early.
  • 000315 0902OB Java Plug-in 1.2.2
    Running NetPhantom Client using Java Plug-in 1.2.2 in conjunction with the NetPhantom Web Server causes it to hang (because the HTTP request for NetPhantomClient.jar never reaches the server).
  • 000315 0908OB A port is already taken up by some other program
    When a server socket is configured for NetPhantom Server use (e.g. port 80) and this port is already taken up by some other program on the system (e.g. another web server), the "client logon state" was not set to "allowed" and other ports in the list of active ports were not started.
  • 000315 1344OB No Last-modified header field for resources
    The NetPhantom Web Server did not include the HTTP header field Last-modified correctly for non-HTML resources. The header fields to disable caching of the resource on the client (or in a proxy server) was always turned on.
  • 000315 1355OB Resource MIME type not specified
    The NetPhantom Web Server did not add the HTTP header field "Content-type" for non-HTML resources.
  • 000112 1439 PanListGetSel
    If you choose a particular row in a listbox and then unmark it PanListGetSel(ListName,0) still returns the previous selection.
  • 000315 1358OB Security issue
    Using the tag <@%include file="filename"> could access files below the document root. The real security issue is by having a document "danger.html" containing the tag <@%include file="@**URIPARAMS@"> being called from a browser "http://webaddress/danger.html?c:/config.sys" that could display the contents of a file that was not intended.
  • 000316 1611OB Focus in MDI applications
    When changing focus from one to an other open panel in an MDI application the session often hangs.
  • 000323 1114OB Hostname lookup
    If the NetPhantom webserver doesn't get a DNS from a client the lookup request times out, which resulted in long response times.
  • 000329 1658OB User Change message error
    The User Change message for an empty listbox is set the string to "1 1" instead of "0 1", e.g. when tabbing around in a panel.
  • 000330 0920OB Page keys error in sortable list
    When selecting e.g. the first line in a sortable list box inside a notebook, then sorting the list on a column causing the first line to become non-first, then pressing Page Up key causes no action to be performed in the list box and the notebook to receive focus.
  • 000330 1742OB Changing Look-and-Feel
    After Changing Look-and-Feel and pressing [PgUp]/[PgDn], [Home]/[End]-keys causes panel to be scrolled vertically or horizontally even when no scroll bars exists. This is a swing problem.
  • 000331 0957OB Rexx classes
    Loading an application (e.g. EXCELDEM) and when the Rexx classes couldn't be loaded this caused the server not to start with some JVM's, e.g. Sun JDK 1.1.8.
  • 000308 0939OB Accessing clipboard
    Running Netscape and accessing clipboard gives a security exception.
  • 000308 0940OB Defining the entries for document root
    Trying to configure the web-server seems to be tricky - when defining the entries for:
    document root
    error document
    no directory structures may be entered. Whether relative nor absolute paths are allowed. Here again would an info regarding how to specify these paths more than useful (since the button with the three dots ("...") leads to an absolute path which does not work!)
  • 000323 1008OB List with sortable columns
    In a list with sortable columns, after resorting, moving line with the [Home], [End], [PgUp] or [PgDn] resulted in strange behavior.
  • 000308 0936OB Drive A: Error message in server
    Only in Windows. Drive A: Error message in server (retry ignore cancel) makes the severthread hang.
  • 000310 1323OB Jump start for developers
    The /JavaRuntime-directory contains a PHANTOM.HTM file which tells you it's name is "Scirocco".
  • 000308 0931OB Basic authentication is always on
    When using authentication, basic authentication is always on whether you choose it or not.
  • 000315 1339OB Installation Image with Jump-Start
    Unpacking of Installation Image with Jump-Start for Developers failed when read-only files existed
  • 000315 1402OB Netscape under Solaris
    Netscape under Solaris was not supported by SmartApplet. The definition for the Solaris Netscape has been changed to support it.
  • 000323 0951OB ListBox selection problems
    1. In a multi-select list, pressing the [Home], [End], [PgUp] or [PgDn]-key when list had focus did not generate UCHG.
    2. In a multi-select list, pressing the [PgUp] or [PgDn]-key when list had focus generated two identical UCHG.
    3. Deselecting a selected line by pressing the spacebar generated two identical UCHG.
    4. In a single-select list with editable columns, tabbing between cells from one line to another, did not move the selection to the new line.

  • 000331 1405OB NoteBook paging problem
    [Ctrl]+[Tab] and [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Tab] doesn't page OK in notebook.
  • 000419 1300OB Business graphics with only negative values
    The Business graphics controll did not show any values if all were negative.
  • 000313 1129OB Jump-start Installation for Developers
    When choosing the option "Save this program to disk" and then run Setup.exe from that location you got an errormessage "Setup is unable to find _SETUP.DLL, which is needed to complete the installation.
  • 000316 1618OB Comments in JavaScript
    JavaScript stops execute when reaching a commentline with a quotationmark, single or double( ' or ").
  • 000323 1606OB PanSetCtlData
    NetPhantom does not insert related Hostfield (@[Hostfield]@) using PanSetCtlData.
  • 000324 1139OB Menu as Pop-up menus
    Using [Shift]-[F10] for pop-up menus doesn't work.
  • 000329 1455OB Single line in ListBox
    If a ListBox has only one line you have to scroll up to see it and it is not selected.
  • 000331 1357OB htdocs\Image is duplicated
  • 000403 1318OB Hostconverted fields in a notebook
    Problem with paging when altering the value in a hostconverted field and then changing tab caused the notebook to change back to the previous page.
  • 000403 1729OB Uppdating spinn button
    Bad performance when updating spinn button fields.
  • 000404 1600OB Variable Substitution in Scripts
    Inside scripts the variable substitutiion didn't treat quotationmarks and backslashes right.
  • 000419 1542OB Expired password
    When a password has expired NetPhantom does not remeber it forcing the user to change it every time.
  • 000310 1638OB Several NetPhantomStarter problems
    1. NetPhantomStarter doesn't work with Java 1.2.
    2. When specifying RESURL and only using port 789 the server did not load the images due to a fault in applications.pkg.