Fixes in NetPhantom 3.00 Build 720
These are fixes done since version 2.10 Build 476 in chronological order.
Version 2.10 Build 701
- 010119 1538OB PanHostInhibit error
When PanHostInhibit(1) was set, NetPhantom performed a host validation even though there shouldn't be one.
- Color on bitmap buttons
Certain bitmap buttons did not use the panel background to fill up unused space, it used the default
dialog background instead.
- Updates to entry field from client to server
In certain cases, the client could update the server with entry field contents although this
was not needed.
Version 2.10 Build 697
- 010117 1420OB Cannot create socket with IE and older Microsoft VM using SSL client
An error occurs when creating the SSL socket with older Microsoft VMs, e.g. 4.0.479.2424. The error is: Cannot create socket
Baltimore-dca.pem file not found.
- 000817 0916OB Netscape under OS/2 (JDK 1.1.8) SSL client applet doesn't work
When starting the applet, the SSL throws the exception cacerts\*.pem file not found.
- 001221 0919OB Badly configured HTML application could result in NullPointerException
The error was not easy to get, but could be produced e.g. when there is no valid host session.
at se.entra.phantom.server.http.HtmlApplicationCGI.performAction
at se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpRequestParser.loadCGIObject
at se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpRequestParser.processConfiguredResource
at se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpRequestParser.processRequest
- 001227 1009OB Disabled from start for menu item
Checking the option "Disabled from start" does not work in NetPhantom. Disabling menu items from Rexx with
PanSetCtlStyle does not work either if the menu item is host connected.
Version 2.10 Build 678
- 001219 1510OB Selecting/unselecting lines in a multi-select listbox that has been resorted, by the means
of the space-key, causes the wrong line to be selected/unselected
- 001218 1059OB Focus "jumpy" in non-host connected panels when using editable lists
The list that last caused a change transaction to the server seems to get the focus after pressing e.g. a push button.
- 001207 0926OB Copying over existing files is sometimes not done
After the question "Do you want to overwrite file", pressing "Yes to all" works, but just "Yes" doesn't.
- 001211 1350OB The Start method of an object in a HTML application is called twice
A "normal" application with an object connected in the application data gets called with 'START' twice.
- 001211 1353OB Starting an HTML application when the NetPhantom application is not loaded does not cause reply to browser
An error is logged in the server, but no reply is ever sent back to the browser informing of the error situation.
- 001212 1025OB Definitions for Domains in Web server configuration are saved incorrectly
- 001212 0932OB Backspace doesn't work in entry fields when the maximum
number of characters is already typed.
This is only a problem in java 1.3
- 001212 1410OB Message box could be placed behind a window
A message box could in certain cases be placed behind a window by user action for the "connecting" window (when application is starting)
or the terminal window. Both cases required running NetPhantom Client as a Java Application or "outside" the browser.
- 001212 1519OB Problems with Business Graphics
1. Legend does not show colors.
2. Wrong size of columns compared to Hurricane.
- 001213 1111OB Single selection list repaint problem when losing focus
When a single selection list loses focus, pieces of the highlight frame of the selected line are still visible.
- 001213 1422OB Pasting with Shift+Insert performs the paste twice into entry fields
- 001218 1102OB Input in non-host connected editable lists are limited to 10 characters
- 001213 1100OB NullPointerException in ServerAdmin
When selecting either Change, Delete or Make default host session and no selection was made in the host list you got an NullPointerException.
- 001218 1054OB 3270 datastream error for PT (Program Tab)
The PT (Program Tab) 3270 datastream order didn't erase with null's to the correct address after non-order byte
in buffer. This resulted in pieces of the bottom part of a previous host screen not to be erased when a new host
screen was received.
- 001212 1029OB PanSetCtlData does not change gif-images more than once if used in statusbar
- 001212 1404OB Panel Z-ordering problem: a pop-up could be placed in front of another pop-up
This problem has existed since JDK 1.1 and is now addressed from JDK 1.2 or better. The problem was that a Dialog could only have a Frame as owner, not another Dialog.
- 001212 0929OB List boxes without editability doesn't receive focus
- 001212 1056OB Focus problem with listbox with no lines
When a listbox with no lines had focus, after it lost focus, it was not possible to tab into it again, or to tab out from it to the next focusable component.
- 000929 0949OB It is possibile to close a non-active panel in an MDI (e.g. a main panel when a pop-up panel is displayed)
- 001201 1346OB Java 1.3 problem
Trying to close a window by pressing the "X-button" will fail due to an error in Java 1.3.
- 001201 1417OB No browser message if an application is terminated in Netscape 6
The browser just goes blank.
- 001207 0920OB When SSL is used, the error message SE0020 Client Certificate error is displayed at server start
This is because no "clientcerts" directory exists, but this should not be reported unless "Client certificates present on server" option is
selected for an access control.
- 000920 1332OB Documentation wrong for icon images for buttons
The documentation states that the file name for NetPhantom should be DLLNAME_I_iconID.gif, but this is wrong. It
should be DLLNAME_iconID_I.gif
- 000929 1006OB Panel size (due to font size) problems when using different JVM's
- 000929 1008OB Panel size (due to font size) problems when using different settings for the panel (Font dependent panel size)
in combination with different JVM's.
- Resizing of progress panel hangs client
When resizing the panel during a file transfer in the Server Administration program, the progress
bar (probably) causes a paint deadlock of the client.
Version 2.10 Build 650
- 001128 0915OB Focus to non-loaded notebook page is set wrong in client
When using e.g. the panel Configure SSL in Server Admin - Change button, and press Parameters tab, focus
is not set visually. Pressing Tab and Shift-Tab changes focus somewhere (presumably in the first page).
- 001128 1152OB During startup of a client an exception can occur in PFocusManager
The exception occurs just after the User Authentication panel is shown. Internal program error in NetPhantom Client. Details: java.lang.ClassCastException: javax/swing/DefaultFocusManager
at se/entra/phantom/client/PFocusManager.focusControl
at se/entra/phantom/client/PFocusManager.focusControl
at se/entra/phantom/client/PPanel.requestDefaultFocus
at se/entra/phantom/client/PPanel.resetDefaultFocus
at se/entra/phantom/client/PPanel.create
at se/entra/phantom/client/SessionManager$Session.a
at se/entra/phantom/client/SessionManager.s
at se/entra/phantom/client/SessionManager.processInboundTransaction
at se/entra/phantom/client/
at java/lang/ (
- 001128 1313OB Editable list box without host connection
Clicking or tabbing from an editable list box without a host connection, when the contents of an editable cell have been
changed, results in the following errors:
InternalProgramError: VirtualPanel: issueAction: invalid actionType: 255
InternalProgramError: VirtualSessionManager.onQueuedClientTransaction: read subtransaction: data size remaining=4
Version 2.10 Build 624
- 001117 1657OB User Authentication always expires a user's password
This is done even if the user doesn't have the option "Expire password" set
Version 2.10 Build 622
- 001115 1325OB Terminating an HTML application in the Server Administrator causes exception
This also applies to server restart command in Server Administration and Remote Server Administration command line utility.
This can result in a server upgrade operation being cancelled so only the server restart is performed.
The exception is:
### ClientSession.sendTransaction in non-Java-Client session ###
- 001115 1454OB A combo box that gets its list updated by API calls (e.g. REXX) always sends the list for all update transactions to client
This results in poor performance when a combo box contains a lot of data.
- 001117 1332OB Running ServerCommand in EBCDIC environment cause server to reject program
The server rejects the ServerCommand with "invalid program ID".
- The initial transactions between client and server running in EBCDIC environment are incompatible
Strings between client and server sent initially are incompatible, even using the setting "unicodeTransactions=1" in server.ini. The server log entry is Client environment
information: OsName = '[]/?"#', OsVersion ='---', JavaVersion = '-----', JavaVendor = '[]/?"#[]/?"#', IsApplet = '1', apps ='[]/?"#'
Version 2.10 Build 621
- 001116 1501OB Look & Feel and combo boxes
Changing L&F while a combo box has focus results in a NullPointerException. This is due to an error in Swing.
- 001026 1558OB Business graphics with negative values
If the minus sign(-) is placed to the right of the value, NetPhantom doesn't recognized it as negative.
- Notebook does not update from host cursor change
- 001117 1335OB License code panel in Server Administration has both Server IP address and Server Name fields empty
Due to invalid or insufficient host (IP) configuration, the server address and host name cannot be read from the system from Java.
- 001123 1153OB Button connected to a list box is disabled
The list is single-selection type, but without the option "Selection required".
Version 2.10 Build 619
- 001110 1329OB List box with multiple selection allowed
Moving up or down with the arrow key in a multiple selection list box causes the selection on the line
that receives focus to change. This bug was introduced in build 618.
- 001110 1334OB Selecting several lines in a multiple selection list
When selecting several lines in a multiple selection list and executing a command that caused a cell in all selected lines to change, the
changes do not pass from the server to client. Only the change on the first selected line is passed over to the client.
Version 2.10 Build 618
- 001110 1043OB Pass through function keys does not update panel from host cursor
- 001110 1317OB Focus in editable list box
When tabbing from an edited cell in an editable list box, the focus sometimes moves to the first line.
- 001110 1324OB Tabbing through an editable list box
When tabbing through an editable list box, updates to the server include all the cells up to the current one, not just the
last one to have focus. This causes the transaction to the server to grow until all the editable
cells are included in the update transaction. No visible effect on client or host.
Version 2.10 Build 614
- 001101 1252OB List box cell
Updating an individual cell in a column with a column number that is higher than the number of rows leads to a client dump.
Version 2.10 Build 604
- 001006 0939OB REXX macros triggered on SHOW message don't cause control changes to update the client
This error was introduced in version 2.10 build 594. The SHOW object message is moved after the controls have formatted it's content
transaction to the client, and control change events are discarded by the panel. This only applies to non-REXX application object types
triggered by the SHOW message.
- 001006 1249OB Message box in applet running outside browser doesn't receive focus
This error was introduced in version 2.10 build 593.
- File manager overwrite file
When an older file is to overwrite a newer file, the dialog box in File manager interchanges the target and source file.
- Background of "Connect" window wrong with Java Plug-in 1.3
The initial "Connect" window displayed when the applet is started has the same background color as the applet background
with Java Plug-in 1.3.
Version 2.10 Build 595
- 001003 1005OB Having a send string on an action item can cause message boxes to be displayed again
If you have e.g. a push button with only a send string, NetPhantom will display a new message box (from host) again for the
panel when it becomes active again (e.g. after a pop-up panel is displayed).
- 001003 1036OB Focus not always set correctly to editable list box
If cells in a list box are editable and a pop-up panel is displayed and then removed, focus seems to be located
correctly in the editable cell, but pressing e.g. the arrow keys changes cell selection in the list box rather than
moving the caret. The caret is also not displayed blinking when this error occurs.
- 001003 0958OB Focus not always placed correctly under JDK 1.3 in pop-up panels when running outside browser
- 000822 1558OB HostHideSession
Under NetPhantom the command just switches (XOR) from gui-mode to terminal-mode.
- 001002 0944OB PanSetCtlData removes action key text for menu items
- 001002 0947OB PanUpdate doesn't always cause updates of static text prompts using e.g. global variable references
- 001002 0951OB List box with "No selection" can cause Tab and function keys to stop working
This happens when the list box gets focus due to being first in the tab order or because it's connected
to a host field. The list box must have the "No selection" setting checked and have editable fields (but in this case,
no editable field receives focus).
- 000929 1004OB Enter key activates the menu item in a pull down menu as well as the default button in a panel.
Version 2.10 Build 593
- 000818 1501OB Errors with maximized windows
If a main panel is maximized (inside the browser), all new panels (including message boxes) are also maximized.
- 000919 1656OB Omitted parameters in REXX functions cannot be converted to NetRexx
Parameters that are omitted, e.g. rc=format(value,,2) causes NetRexx conversion problems (requires changes in "rules").
- 000929 0936OB Z-ordering incorrect in MDI application
When using main panels in combination with several pop-up panels inside an MDI (application area) application, the
NetPhantom client can place the windows in the wrong Z-order (depth) when focus is changed between the panel
sessions. The end result often looks like windows disappear or are disabled (hour glass mouse pointer instead of normal
- 000419 1556OB Focus in MDI-applications
To change focus from one open panel to another you have to click on the title bar.
Version 2.10 Build 592
- DDE Poke to NetPhantom Client doesn't work
No action whatsoever occurs when sending DDE Poke
from an external program to the NetPhantom Client.
- DDE not loaded
The NetPhantom DDE engine is only loaded at the first DdeInitiate
command, thus does not reply to external requests before this.
In order to conserve memory, the DDE engine will be loaded when
the NetPhantom Client uses the parameter "DDE=ddename" or
at the first DdeInitiate command.
- 000509 0926OB Proxy causes Digest Algorithm malfunction
When accessing a protected web resource with Digest Algorithm through certain proxys
(changing the HTTP version of the original client request from 1.1 to 1.0, e.g. Squid),
a zero-length reply is returned in the client and the server gets a NullPointerException.
If this connection is done using SSL, the problem does not occur.
The event log output:
HttpRequestParser: Internal Program Error in thread: Request line GET / HTTP/1.0:
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
at java.lang.String.substring(
at se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpAuthentication.a(Unknown Source)
at se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpAuthentication.authenticate(Unknown Source)
at se.entra.phantom.server.http.HttpRequestParser.b(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
- 000509 0946OB Server to client file transfer
- Using the Cancel button doesn't work sometimes.
- When trying to transfer several files after each other, you cannot specify the target file.
- 000721 1556OB Stress tests
Stress tests causes NullPointerExeption in VirtualCListBox and HostSessionManager.
- 000724 1611OB FileAppend
In NetRexx FileAppend adds a new line before the data.
- 000804 1004OB Error processing 3270 datastream for Set Attribute (SA) order
- Server event log can show invalid SA extended highlighting (value 0x00, reset of the highlighting attribute is skipped).
- Consecutive SA orders can in certain cases cause the previous value from SA to be ignored.
- After SA extended highlighting, foreground and background colors are ignored from previous SA.
- Query of the extended attribute from host can suffer from the consequences of items 1-3 above.
- 000310 1638OB Several NetPhantomStarter problems
- NetPhantomStarter doesn't work with Java 1.2.
- Problems when using NetPhantomStarter and Windows 2000.
- When specifying RESURL and only using port 789, the server does not load the images due to a fault
in applications.pkg.
- 000720 1448OB Rules
The translation part for the rexx function "Compare" isn't part of the rules file.
- 000727 1349OB NullPointerException in ServerAdmin
When these is an inconsistency in menu Server - Configure in ServerAdmin you get a NullPointerException.
- 000728 1513OB Server to Client file transfer
After a file has been transferred the ServerAdmin application is locked.
- 000517 1322OB PullDownMenus
The number of PullDownMenus affects the size of the panel.
- 000516 1048OB Pop-up menus in list box
Pop-up menus in list boxes do not work except when clicking on the column lines.
- 000517 1529OB PanListGetData
PanListGetData doesn't return the color bytes from a list box (with fore-/background) row
(OS/2: displayed as "graphic" characters before the text)
- 000517 1702OB HeightDiff-settings
The list box header ignores HeightDiff-settings from server.ini.
- 000517 1709OB Combo box
When tabbing from a combo box it does not close, and pushing a button that switches
panels then causes the client to dump.
- 000518 0946OB Concatenated columns in list box
A host connected list box where the columns are concatenated by Rexx can lose data on refresh.
- 000518 1342OB Client dump with Java 1.3.0C
Client dump when leaving a list box by [Tab] in Java 1.3.0C
- 000720 1440OB NetRexx Compare
"A" = "a" returns false running REXX, but true running NetRexx/Java.
- Mainframe emulator problem
The keys Attention (located at Escape key) and System Request don't work. Also Reset
key doesn't work when terminal state is "Receiving data", thus can cause an indefinite
session lock.
- 000804 1638OB Running an application outside the browser with the terminal window displayed can cause it not to be removed
The terminal window is not removed when changing to another HTML page (with normal panels this is done without a problem).
- Sample application Game cut
The last row partly invisible in sample application Game.
- Message box error
A message box connected to a panel will not respond to 'CREATE'.
- Server upgrade
StartServer.bat and StartWindows.bat do not call UpgradeNetPhantomServer.
- 000720 1411OB Closing client terminal window
On client side the terminal window is displayed. When trying to close the client window
by "Close", the confirmation window ("Are you sure ? Yes/No") is displayed. After pressing "No" the
last displayed gui-panel becomes visible.
- 000518 1644OB Multiple line entry field
MLE-fields does not receive focus sometimes.
- 000609 1650OB [Esc] in Notebooks
If something other than the tab of a notebook page has focus, [Esc] does not work.
- 000517 1122OB Using PgUp/PgDn in list box
Using PgUp/PgDn in list box does not update host.
- 000517 1401OB PanListInsertData
List box with settings foreground color (ON), list box host field independent, filled by REXX
"PanListInsertData(..., colorbyte || HostFldContents)", doesn't work: ColorByte is displayed
instead of being used for color settings - even for lines with text.
- 000517 1448OB Non-editable list box columns
In a list box filled by REXX "PanListInsertData(..., ...)" with the following options set: host field independent, selection set
to "None", list box column not-editable: in spite of the settings, the list box will show a cursor
that can be moved.
- 000518 1639OB Gap between the lower buttons
The gap between the lower button row increases between Hurricane (around 2-4pts) and NetPhantom (around 10pts).
- 000814 1016OB "Erase EOF" performs Erase Input for 3270 terminals.
- 000816 0956OB Error using NLS characters in selection strings
NLS characters for check boxes and radio buttons are not handled correctly, Ansi code page is assumed rather than OEM.
- 000824 1622OB EE doesn't handle fields at position 80,24 correctly, resulting in e.g. IndexOutOfBoundsException
- 000823 1047OB Password file created under OS/2
Password file created with Hurricane editor under OS/2 does not work (no matter if transferred bin or ascii)
- 000823 1519OB Entry field option "Clear next field" doesn't work
- 000825 1336OB RCONSOLE doesn't raise an error message if reload of an application fails
- 000720 1502OB Spin button appearance
Spin Button controls with different settings look different.
- 000825 1402OB Non-existant mnemonics
When typing Alt+non-existant mnemonic (e.g. Alt+K) in an editable field, K is typed.
- 000814 1643OB Error in StartUNIX
Filename "server.state.*" mistyped to "server.status.*".
- 000825 1553OB Focus problem with empty first column
Empty first column can cause problems when setting focus to that cell.
- 000817 1709OB Message box reacts to [F4]
- 000817 1731OB NetPhantom does not react the second time on "CMD"
- 000720 1428OB Focus problem with radio buttons
If the host cursor is set to a host field connected to a group of gui elements
(e.g. radio buttons) when the screen/panel is first displayed, the gui cursor is set to
the first element of the GUI element group instead of to the GUI element that has the same
value as the host field.
- 000720 1454OB Fill right
The width of the last list box column is only determined by the drawn width of this column.
The switch "Fill right" is ignored.
- 000616 1400OB Automatic Tab
Option "Automatic Tab" for entry fields is not supported.
- 000208 1605OB Next Panel = *COPY, *CUT or *PASTE
when pressing a button e.g. with Next Panel = *COPY; the NetPhantom console shows:
0011 Function not supported in this NetPhantom version: Virtual Panel:
performAction:nextPanel *COPY not supported.
- 000822 1606OB PanGetCtlData
Using PanGetCtlData for a menu item with associated function key returns different results under
different environments (if PanSetCtlData is not used before).
- OpenXML JAR file causes ClassNotFoundException under AS/400
There was a reference to a class file HTMLBuilder not included in the JAR file.
- Typing Alt+char adds the character to entry capable fields
This only applies to JDK 1.2.2 and JDK 1.3.
- Refreshing the HTML page while NetPhantom Client is loading can cause NullPointerException
This has only been seen with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 or better.
- 000925 0934OB Codepage problem with paragraph sign
Certain operating system OEM codepage can cause the paragraph sign to be located at either 0x15 or 0xF5. This doesn't
map correctly onto the Unicode paragraph sign.
- 000926 0955OB Rewriting of parts of Swing
Rewriting of JMenu, JMenuUI, JPopupMenu, JPopupMenuUI and JMenuBar keyboard+focus+mouse handling in Swing in order to
enable proper usage of the keyboard AND mouse AND focus, etc, etc...
This will fix all problems listed below (plus about 20 variants/side effects, but the biggest ones are listed):
- Pop-up menus don't have keyboard support.
- Combination of mouse and keyboard can result in complete loss of input
focus (typically when "heavyweight" menus are displayed).
- Input focus not always restored properly with JDK 1.2.2 and 1.3 after
cancellation of a pop-up menu.
- Pull-down menus don't handle the Alt+char combination.
- Duplicate mnemonics in menus can produce very strange results (even in sibling pull-down menus).
- After panel change, a pop-up menu can be left visible/active.
- Pressing e.g. Tab, a pop-up menu is left active after focus change.
- Alt+char in JDK 1.2.2 and 1.3 leaves characters in entry fields.
- Certain Alt+char (e.g. Alt+?) combinations don't activate menu items in the menu bar.
- F10 activates a menu item too deep (different behavior under Windows and OS/2).
- Pressing e.g. "Alt F, S" for menu item "File-Save" doesn't work in older Swing versions.
- 000824 1238OB Several panels in the server administration GUI have wrong tab order and/or default push buttons
- 000824 1243OB Directory and/or file selection under Unix has several problems
If you enter e.g. "/usr" and then prompt (...) you will get a listing of directory "/usr/null" where current directory
is listed as "/usr/..".
- 000824 1257OB Clicking in a sorted list results in wrong item being selected
List e.g. a directory of files in server admin, sort the files, then click somewhere in the middle of the list.
- 000905 0924OB Server Administration Program: IndexOutOfBoundsException when event log is displayed
If the event log is displayed in the server administration program and many events are fired quickly and event details are displayed
for a particular event, an IndexOutOfBoundException can occur resulting in the client session being closed.
- 000905 1308OB Setting "ServerGUI=1" in "server.ini" can cause server not to start/restart
The Server GUI can be turned on using the Server Administration Program. If this is done on a server platform/configuration
not supporting GUI (e.g. AS/400 or UNIX without console), the server will never start/restart again until "ServerGUI=0" is
set in "server.ini". The new behavior after the fix is if this setting is turned on, creation of the Server GUI will be attempted, but if it fails, the server
will still start showing a event log entry with the error.
- 000905 1312OB Upgrading the server fails
Error message is "Cannot find or create file upgrade.log".
- 000905 1339OB New Line performs "Home" for 5250 and 3270 terminal
- 000906 0922OB The user window class doesn't register the Control ID in VirtualControl
VirtualControl.getControlID() returns null.
- 000720 1508OB List box columns
In a list box with 3 columns, columns move dramatically to the left, leaving a big gap at the right.
The columns are shortened so much that characters become hidden.
- 000330 0926OB Page keys badly handled using list box inside notebook
Pressing Ctrl+Page Up/Down in a list box inside a notebook causes the notebook to receive focus and
no further action is taken. The notebook should change pages.
- 000817 0937OB List box header height too small for non-sortable lists
- 000817 1146OB Panel size difference when menu is used
Pop-up panel with menu bar can have different size than in development environment when dialog window frame is used.
- 000915 0947OB HostChange is fired to panel before its controls
There is an event sequence difference between NetPhantom and Phantom Hurricane.
- 000915 0958OB Recreate is not fired when panel becomes visible after terminal window has been displayed
- 000915 1002OB HostChange is not fired after a change from another panel
If the panel (no matter if it's a pop-up or a main panel), no HostChange is fired.
- 000915 1006OB A disabled spin button control doesn't disable its spin buttons
- 000915 1008OB Graphical cursor in spin button control
- The cursor isn't visible in "No entry field input" spin button.
- The cursor is placed at the end instead of beginning of the field when
text is updated and focus is set to the spin button.
- 000915 1013OB Combo box doesn't place cursor at beginning of field when it gets focus
- 000915 1016OB Wrong combo box background color in Metal L&F
The background color of editable combo boxes in Metal L&F is set to the panel background. The drop-down list also has the
same (wrong) background color.
- 000720 1450OB Client control focus perception in server in error
The server is not notified of focus changes for the controls below, thus resulting in e.g. PanGetFocus returning the wrong control
ID (or none).
- Push buttons
- Non-editable combo boxes
- Checkboxes (sometimes when check state is unchanged)
- Radio buttons (sometimes when selection state is unchanged)
- List boxes
- 000920 1338OB Maximized internal frames causes pop-up panels to be maximized
When running inside the browser or in an application panel and the main panel is maximized, a pop-up panel will be maximized
also. This is due to the Swing implementation.
- 000925 1505OB StackOverflowError in Combination box with JDK 1.3
This error only occurs with JDK 1.3 in non-editable combination boxes when mouse button is pressed in it.
Exception occurred during event dispatching: java.lang.StackOverflowError
at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.appContextGet
at javax.swing.FocusManager.getCurrentManager
at javax.swing.JComponent.requestFocus(
at se.entra.phantom.client.PJComboBox.grabFocus
at javax.swing.JComponent.requestFocus(
at se.entra.phantom.client.PJComboBox.grabFocus
...repeated last 2 lines for ever...
- 000809 1321OB Host cursor position
The cursor is not always in the right place in the GUI-window.