Fixes in NetPhantom 3.50 Build 1030

These are fixes done since version 3.10 Build 860 in chronological order.

Version 3.50 Build 1030

  • IndexOutOfBoundsException when loading or compiling an application to NetRexx
    When loading an application in the server or compiling it to NetRexx (NetRexxConversion), the program could stop with an IndexOutOfBoundsException. This was due to an error in Phantom Hurricane for entry fields. These fields contained the attribute "Date" or "Amount", but didn't contain the required data for this setting. This may be caused by a corrupted panel.
  • Print report RepeatFields error with colors in listbox cells.
    Color codes in listbox cells are printed as squares using RepeatFields.
  • Changing SSL port when SSL jar files not found in classpath could cause a NoClassDefFoundException.
    When SSL license is activated but SSL jar files are missing, the ServerAdmin SSL menu items are disabled. However, the SSL port can be set (activated) and this could cause the ServerAdmin to quit through a NoClassDefFoundException. This exception is now cought and generates an error message.
  • File transfer with zero-length files errors
    When using file transfer with Server Administration File Manager or individual file transfers between client/server (or vice versa), EOFException (End-of-file) or similar errors would occur. When transferring zero-length file to the server, the client GUI would "hang" until cancelled (with the Cancel button).
  • JDBC HTML sample application hangs if JDBC is not configured correctly
    If e.g. the JDBC driver is not configured properly or there is an SQL error, the application displays a message box that causes the HTML application to hang (for a very long time, and after this time, a NullPointerException can be thrown).
  • Directory creation error
    when creating a directory ( and not using the native File.separatorChar between the directory names, subdirectories could sometimes not be created using Java version prior to 1.3. This could affect NetPhantomStarter and NetPhantomServerUpgrade.
  • View CRLs panel closes previous panel in ServerAdmin
    In the Server Administration program, choosing "View CRLs" from Server - Configure - SSL and then cancelling the panel causes the previous panel to be closed also resulting in possible SSL configuration changes to be lost.
  • Separator lines in pop-up menus
    A pop-up menu could sometimes receive separator lines between each menu item.
  • Mouse movement while mouse button 1 is pressed causes selection/deselection in listbox
    In a multiple selection list box, pressing mouse button 1 and dragging the mouse over lines causes lines to become selected or unselected depending on the amount of mouse movement messages. Lines in such a listbox should only change selection state if mouse button 1 is pressed (or selected if double-clicked).
  • Button state in toolbar or status bar not synchronized
    The standard buttons or the bitmap buttons state are not always synchronized correctly. This applies to bar button connected to push buttons or menu items that themselves have the following attributes: "Disabled from start", connected to a list box with "Selection implied", connected to an entry field with "Data required". The bar buttons now always follows the exact state of its connected menu item or push button, even if the items' state is changed via e.g. REXX.
  • Client panels locked when displayed again after terminal window
    In some cases, the client panels are locked after switching from the terminal window back to the panels. To "cure" the problem, i.e. to get the panels unlocked again, one could press the [x] System menu close and cancel the message box "Do you really want to exit?".
  • Server Administration File Manager can hang client
    When pressing F2 in the list boxes in the File Manager window in the Server Administration, the client could hang or get NullPointerException.
  • User Authentication, Server Administration or SecureLogin image error
    When the Java applications for User Authentication/1 (if resource requires it), Server Administration/2 (because server has a configuration problem) or SecureLogin/3 (if resource requires it) are started before or instead of the requested application AND the requested application is started by a browser where the HTML file is not located in the document root, images in the applications 1/2/3 cannot be loaded.
  • JDBC samples not preconfigured in NetPhantom
    The JDBC samples (using Java Client and HTML) were not preconfigured in server.ini and resources.ini. The sample documentation describes this, but not very clearly. The samples now have an improved error handling as well.
  • Help System or ShowDocument function error
    When an HTML document is shown using the NetPhantom Help System or by the REXX function ShowDocument and the path to the document contains spaces, the document is not displayed correctly under Windows.
  • Entry field disable followed by enable sets wrong background color
    When an entry field is disabled and then reenabled, it could have the panel background color instead of the default color (e.g. white).
  • Function ShowDocument doesn't work with NetPhantom Client as an application
    Nothing happens and the server logs an error message "Data size remaining".
  • REXX Sample errors
    The REXX sample had some static text placed on wrong places, wrong tab sequence in panels and the text prompts were partly not visible.
  • 020502 1325OB IndexOutOfBoundsException or NullPointerException in client
    Under VERY rare circumstances when programmatically creating panels, removing them and setting focus, the client could either set focus to the wrong control in the panel or receive IndexOutOfBoundsException, and perhaps NullPointerException also.
  • 020408 1432OB Heavy CPU consumption when "key searching" in combo boxes
  • 020429 1007RW Create object message in notebook-page
    The error occurs on notebook panel create. The first notebook page will always receive the create event even when another page is displayed. The current page will not receive the create event.
  • 020429 0940RW Focus problem -- timing related
    Having a REXX macro performing PanPreload(*)+PanPreload(PANEL) could very often cause the last control in the panel to receive focus. This is a timing-related problem that is only seen using MS JVM in applet as well as Java application. Fixes have been done in the client to have this problem occur less often, but no fool-proof work-around has been found.
  • 020429 0922RW Drawing of text in buttons sometimes too low in Java 2
    If Client Font Metrics have been saved from JDK 1.1, clients running Java 2 will have the text drawn too low in push buttons.
  • 020426 1327RW Tab order is wrong
    In the ServerAdmin - Config server - Event Filter tab and Trace tab, the tab order is wrong.
  • 020408 1446OB Wrong file extension when creating Self Signed Certificate in PEM format
  • 020418 1606OB Configuration of 3287 host printer settings does not cause server.ini to be saved
    Changing only the 3287 host printer settings in the server administration program "Configure - Base - Host" does not cause server.ini to be saved. If other settings in "Configure base" dialog box are changed, the settings are saved.
  • 020408 1411OB NullPointerException when creating XML cross reference file
  • 020321 1703OB Timing related problem could cause client hang in the File Manager when using Java 1.3
    The File Manager would hang the second time the client root directory is selected using the Browse button (after copying a file).
  • 020321 1728OB Timing related client NullPointerException
    When having a user authentication panel followed by an application area (e.g. Server Administration Program), using Java 1.3.x the following error could occur:
      at se.entra.phantom.client.SessionManager.getTopMostPanel
      at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch
      at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy
      at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents
  • 020321 1534OB Error message when installing NetPhantom NT Service on Windows 2000
    When installing the NetPhantomServerWindowsNTService on Windows 2000 the following message appears:
    "Service 'NetPhantom Server' could not be completely installed". This in spite of the fact that the Service was correctly installed.
  • 020320 1510OB Selection error in list box
    When returning to a list box with a line that had a selection string in the selection field, the selection was erroneous. In a single-select list, the last line became selected. In a multi-select list all the lines, including the previously selected line, became selected.
  • 020227 1332OB Error when using JavaScript to set focus to a radio button in an HTML-application
    The use of the @**FOCUS@ variable did not work due to the fact that radio buttons are part of a control group. NetPhantom now sets the value of the @**FOCUS@ variable to the control group but you have to use a script like below to loop through the group to find which index is checked.
     function setFocusField(setTo,formName){
      return false;
      var comp=document[formName];
        if (comp[setTo]){
         if (comp[setTo].length>1)
          for (var i=0; i<comp[setTo].length; i++){
          if (comp[setTo][i].checked)
     return true;}
  • 020208 0917OB Pressing the Close system menu in pop-up panel could cause main panel to be locked
    When "Application Close ID" is defined to a push button that causes the pop-up panel to be removed (e.g. with "Next Panel = *"), the panel behind (normally a main panel) could be left in lock state.
  • 020208 0921OB File download CGI uses wrong file name for caching
    If multiple HTML documents point to different top-level directories using Directory Listing CGI in conjuction with the download CGI, a cached file in the first top-level directory could be downloaded from the second top-level directory or vice versa, if the file names were identical.
  • 020206 0922OB Creation of new panel after terminal display is locked from user input
    After a terminal screen has been displayed on the client side, the creation of a new graphical panel could in some circumstances become locked from user input (i.e. the hourglass mouse pointer).
  • Hourglass pointer does not go away
    When running the client inside the browser or using an Application Area (typical for Phantom Session Booster), the hourglass pointer is not reset to the normal arrow, unless the mouse is moved. In certain situations, the hourglass pointer could be permanent in the Application Area menu bar.
  • 020107 1241OB Status bar in NetPhantom application could cause NullPointerException for HTML application
  • 011210 1629OB Panel menu did not react to mnemonics when focus inside a notebook
  • Main menu items lined up vertically instead of horizontally
    This only happens sometimes when a panel is initially created. As soon as the panel is sized or the menu bar activated, this error is corrected.
  • File names for REXX functions error
    When using the REXX functions (e.g. LineIn), with a file name containing a backslash mixed or forward slash, the file name became precatinated with the current runtime file directory in an unpredicted way.
  • The forced timeout value in server.ini could not be set to blank
    I.e. it was impossible to disable the forced timeout, the default timeout of 180 minutes was always used.
  • 020117 1103OB Host pop-up windows sometimes not recognized
  • Unable to select item in combo box list using the mouse
    This ONLY occured when the list was folded outside the main window and also only using Microsoft JVM (i.e. JVIEW or Internet Explorer). Due to a bug in Java 1.1.4, this cannot be fixed, but a workaround is implemented that makes sure that the drop-down list is always inside the main window, folded downwards or upwards depending on the largest available space.
  • Enhanced display of notebook tabs in Windows Look-and-Feel
    All tabs but the selected one are now drawn in a darker color.
  • Load balancing errors
    1. If an HTML Resource is defined as "FSA" (File System Application) that loads an application, configuring this same application to be a load balanced NetPhantom Resource, a browser client could connect to the server with the error log message "Ignored load balancing for Applet". The client was then stuck in lock state, and the application never started.
    2. The client could get NullPointerException when Application was being redirected on very fast machines running on the same machine as the servers.
    3. A redirection containing URL parameters (after the "?" sign, e.g. "" would not pass on the "?hello" parameter to the load balanced server.

Version 3.10 Build 920

  • Terminal window doesn't get focus when running outside the browser
    In certain circumstances using Microsoft JVM, focus cannot be set to the terminal window when running the client as an applet outside the browser. The result is that there is no blinking cursor visible. When this occurs, keyboard input is not directed to the terminal window, i.e. you can't type anything in the terminal session.
  • Error message "wrong panel" in server
    In many situations a warning message "wrong panel", transaction ignored from client, occurs in the server. This is just a warning message, but has now been removed in the server.
  • Caret position wrong in entry field at panel creation
    When a panel is created with an entry field without the options "Cursor at beginning of field" and "Select entire field", the caret (cursor) position could sometimes be set to the next-to-last character in the entry field.
  • Warning message when preloading classes in the server
    The error message "SW0016 Preloading of class failed: Class se.entra.phantom.test.a: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" was displayed at server start-up when preloading classes.
  • 011205 1649OB Notebook with a button with next panel *COPY connected to a list box causes client crash
    Actually, *COPY, *CUT, *PASTE, *CLEAR and *PRINT cause the same failure, i.e. an exception to be thrown in the client causing it to end abnormally.
  • Button or menu item with next panel *COPY connected to a list box
    The entire list box data (and its headers) were copied to the clipboard without taking into account any copy-selection made in the list box.
  • 011203 1611OB Pop-up menu connected to a list box calling an object sometimes has wrong third argument
    The pop-up menu connected to a list box control (not only to a single column), when calling an object, should have the third argument (argString) set to "list boxID columnID columnIndex", even if the columnID is empty. The argString parameter incorrectly contained only the list boxID.
  • 011128 1715OB Loading large applications could kill the NetPhantom Windows NT Service
    If the loading of an application took more than 20 seconds, the NetPhantom Windows NT Service was killed due to a timeout.
  • Host field update with same content error
    A host field that got new contents from e.g. an entry field didn't update the real host field when the contents were identical to the previous contents, even when the option "Field exit required" was set.
  • Host-connected push buttons always disabled in notebook pages
    In some situations when having a notebook with its pages connected to different host screens, push buttons on non-first page(s) can be disabled and never enabled, when they are connected to a host field.
  • REXX file errors
    File routines in REXX, e.g. Chars and LineIn do not work after Stream(fileName,'C','CLOSE') has been called (this error seems to be introduced after build 886). The value of Chars is one character too low.
  • Cursor position in host session for list boxes
    Hurricane always moves the host cursor for the list box according to selection field (if Move host cursor option is not checked), otherwise the current line of the column selected. NetPhantom could have a different behavior for non-editable list boxes without selection field.
  • Business Graphics errors
    1. NullPointerException in server when calling SetData:nn with nn set to non-created data series. The data series should be created also in this call.
    2. The value text labels are not correctly right-aligned and the axis is sometimes drawn too far to the left.
    3. The category text labels are not placed correctly (high/low/axis).
    4. The chart title could sometimes wrap too many lines and be placed too far to the right hand side.
    5. The fonts are not used properly for Business Graphics when called from REXX using [x]SetFont.
    6. The legend and the pie labels used wrong font.
    7. The legend could overlap the chart area by some pixels.
    8. Negative values for chart could cause lines or bars to sometimes be drawn at zero-offset rather than the negative value.
    9. Dotted line for grid lines was not supported.
    10. Distance between chart area and bottom sometimes too big.
    11. The setting "Categories between labels" was ignored.
    12. The categories text for the bar-diagram overlapped the y-axis for long texts.
    13. Several text positioning corrections.
  • TelnetTracer errors
    1. The parameter "%" for byte-streaming doesn't write the data to the trace file correctly.
    2. The parameter "!" used to write the trace data in ASCII rather than EBCDIC to the file causes the next character on the command line to be ignored, e.g. to specify the trace file "test.trc" one must use "!?test.trc" where the "?" character is ignored.

Version 3.10 Build 904

  • 011121 0920OB Pop-up menu calling an object has wrong third argument
    The pop-up menu connected to a panel control, when calling an object, should have the third argument (argString) set to either "control ID" or (in the case of a list box with column control ID) "listboxID columnID columnIndex". The argString parameter incorrectly contained the text of the pop-up menu.
  • 011120 1509OB Certain HTML help documents are not shown
    When using *HELPHLP, *HELPEXT, *HELPKEY, *HELPIDX or *HELPCON as Next Panel, NetPhantom did not show the corresponding HTML document.
  • Invalid HTTP header with certain CGIs
    Certain CGIs could cause an invalid HTTP header reply from the server. The header field "Pragma: no-cache" didn't have a CR/LF between the next field, e.g. "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1".
  • HTML Applications with user authentication don't work with Host LU Mapping
    The User ID from the HTTP User Authentication (Basic or Digest) is not saved in the ClientConnectionData for use in a potential Host LU Mapper.
  • NetPhantom Starter SSL with Microsoft JVM
    Using Microsoft JVM and NetPhantom Starter prior to 2.03 you get NoClassDefFoundError because the classpath was not correctly setup.

Version 3.10 Build 896

  • 011109 1449OB Initial focus not properly set on expandable list box
    An expandable list box with zero lines, with host cursor placed on one of the uncreated lines, did not cause the list box to automatically expand and focus to be set to the right cell. Focus was left "hanging" until moved by mouse or by tabbing.
  • 011106 1630OB NullPointerException when pressing Tab in editable list box
    When a panel contains a list box with the last cell (and only that cell) as editable and Tab key is pressed, a NullPointerException is thrown (and no other controls in the panel can receive focus).
      at se.entra.phantom.client.PJlist box$PJlist boxFocusManager.focusOnNewCell
      at se.entra.phantom.client.PJlist box$PJlist boxFocusManager.isDeFocusAllowed
      at se.entra.phantom.client.PJlist box.isDeFocusAllowed
      at se.entra.phantom.client.Clist box.isDeFocusAllowed
      at se.entra.phantom.client.PFocusManager.focusControl
      at se.entra.phantom.client.PFocusManager.focusNextComponent
      at se.entra.phantom.client.PFocusManager.processKeyEvent
      at javax.swing.JComponent.processKeyEvent
      at se.entra.phantom.client.PJlist box$PJlist boxentry field.processKeyEvent
      at java.awt.Component.processEvent
  • List box causes invalid parameter in UserChange message
    When tabbing in an expandable, single-selection list box at the last cell of the last line the UserChange object message reported line 0 (i.e. no selection).
  • 011105 1301OB Spin button ignored color settings
  • 011105 1311OB Entry field could throw IllegalArgumentException
    In certain cases an entry field could generate an IllegalArgumentException with the following explanation:
      bad Position: nn

Version 3.10 Build 891

  • Error in RESURL with backup servers
    When using RESURL parameter for the client with @**SERVER@ and @**PORT@ variable strings, this worked fine for all backup servers except the last one.
  • Drawing error in list box
    When focusing the list box when other windows overlapped pieces of the list box, the selection border lines were not properly drawn.
  • Event notification error for list box
    deleteAll in list gives onListSelectionChange with line=0. The return value should be line=-1. Calling getNextSelection on this event gives line=-1 however.
  • Local application help and pressing F1
    When pressing F1 using local application help in a panel without controls, NullPointerException was thrown in the client, and the client became "unusable".
      at se.entra.phantom.client.PPanel.a
      at se.entra.phantom.client.PPanel.processKeyPressed
      at se.entra.phantom.client.PFocusManager.processKeyEvent
      at javax.swing.JComponent.processKeyEvent
      at java.awt.Component.processEvent
      at java.awt.Container.processEvent
      at se.entra.phantom.client.PJDesktopPane.processEvent

Version 3.10 Build 887

  • Load balancing errors
    1. Transactions from slave server to client can become corrupted when many transactions are sent simultaneously. This can result in the controller server misinterpreting the slave server transaction.
    2. Stopping a port in a slave server using the server administration gives an error in the server as:
        java.lang.InternalError: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
        at java.lang.Throwable.<init>
        at java.lang.Error.<init>
        at java.lang.VirtualMachineError.<init>
        at java.lang.InternalError.<init>
        at se.entra.phantom.common.Utilities.createString
        at se.entra.phantom.common.Transaction.readString
        at se.entra.phantom.server.LoadBalancing.handleSlave

Version 3.10 Build 886

  • Files not closed properly
    1. A client aborting its connection to the server didn't cause open REXX files to be closed in the server.
    2. Creation of a client certificate request using the Server Administration program opened the newly created PEM file for clipboard copy, but didn't close it, thus it could not be deleted after the operation.
  • File handles under heavy stress
    1. Under heavy server stress when running out of file handles (due to too many open files), a NullPointerException in sortList method from ComboBox could occur. The client session getting this failure would be aborted (i.e. not all client connections).
    2. INI files written by the server could not be performed, but the original file was renamed from "filename.ini" to "filename.ini.bak". When the server later was restarted, it failed to start due to e.g. missing "users.ini" file, typical for load balancing servers where the "users.ini" file is maintained in the slave servers from the controlling server.
  • Load balancing errors
    1. When a slave server was unplugged from the network and the server later came back up again, the previous instance of the server could be left active in the controlling server.
    2. Changing the configured number of maximum client connections using the license panel in the Server Administration could cause the controlling server not to get the correct number of maximum simultatenous connections for the slave server.
  • ServerThread class error
    The ServerThread class didn't reset new threads to normal priority. This could lead to many threads running with the "wrong" priority compared to the documentation of the ServerThread class. Note that this only occurs when e.g. a thread changes its priority and then creates new threads.
  • Statistics panel
    The Statistics panel didn't have the correct attributes for moving the four buttons sideways in the Server Administration program.

Version 3.10 Build 885

  • Syntax error in StartUNIX
    Certain dialects of the Unix Shell failed running StartUNIX due to a test condition (e.g. "[-e server.state.restart]"). This is now removed.
  • Checked menu items don't display the check mark
    The NetPhantom Client didn't display the check marks for checked menu items, although the Server had the correct check state set (using e.g. REXX function PanCheckSet/Get).
  • Load balancing error
    When more than 2 NetPhantom Servers were load balanced, the algorithm used in the load balancing controller could be wrong, thus redirecting a client to a server that had a heavier load than another one.

Version 3.10 Build 883

  • OS/390 JIT Compiler doesn't work with the server
    For certain versions of OS/390 using JDK 1.3.0, the JIT compiler would fail, resulting in the server not even starting up (typically OutOfMemoryException, works fine if the JIT compiler is turned off). The Java Byte Code has now been rearranged to support this JIT (resulting in about 10% better performance using most JIT compilers on any platform). For OS/390, running with JIT enabled instead of disabled results in several times faster execution.
  • Unwanted caching of dynamic web pages in proxy
    In very rare situations a dynamic HTML page could be cached by a proxy for certain wireless devices or PDAs.
  • REXX function XRANGE not implemented in NetRexx
    The REXX XRANGE function is not implemented in NetRexx, thus compile errors of Phantom Hurricane REXX code could be the result. This function is now implemented by NetPhantom.
  • Invalid transaction error for very large strings
    A transaction error could occur when e.g. setting a multiple line entry field with a content larger than 32 KB from REXX or Java.
  • Escape processed in list box
    The list box always consumed the Escape key instead of passing it on to the panel (and it's components).
  • 010927 1421OB The Notebook itself did not react to create/recreate, only the notebook pages
    Also the order in which the notebook and its controls reacted to create/recreate differed compared to Phantom Hurricane.
  • 010927 1427OB Rexx command PanSetCtlClr did not work
  • PanListFromFile or PanComboFromFile error
    A call to PanListFromFile or PanComboFromFile with a file that could not be loaded caused previous host conversion in the combo box or spin button to remain while the list content showed "Could not load file". This could cause IndexOutOfBoundsException for the spin button and a warning log entry for the combo box.

Version 3.10 Build 875

  • HTTPS support missing in Client Application
    The SSL version of the stand-alone NetPhantom Client running as Java Application did not install HTTPS support, resulting in e.g. RESURL= not working.
  • Enable/disable of combo boxes
    Enabling and disabling a combo box that has the option "Always enabled" checked could result in the combo box entry field remaining read-only.
  • Alt+char processed in list box
    Selection of lines in list box didn't check if the Alt key was pressed when selecting the list that starts with this character. This could result in the line being selected as well as a mnemonic keystroke being processed to e.g. a push button.
  • Certificate creation errors
    When creating self-signed or client certificates in the Server Administration program, the certificate entries for "Locality", "Company" and "Department" were mixed up.

Version 3.10 Build 872

  • Rotation of event log files can hang server or cause it to become VERY slow for a period of time (sometimes way over minutes)
    Hundreds of log entries that the server is "rotating event log files" or even a serious slow-down of the server (could even be interpreted as a server dead-lock using 100% CPU) could occur with certain JVMs. This behavior has existed since NetPhantom version 1.10, but nobody was able to diagnose the real problem. Setting the event log rotation file size to zero (i.e. no file rotation), this behavior is never seen.
  • Recreate message not fired for notebook pages
  • 010808 1542OB Rexx clipboard functions caused the client to crash with applet inside the browser
  • 010821 0857OB list box NullPointerException
    Using the Stress-tools, a NullPointerException could occur in the list box. The server log typically contains:
      ServerThread: Internal Program Error in thread:
      at se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualClist box.f  
      at se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualClist box.refresh
  • 010831 1008OB NullPointerException in list box inside a notebook
    In certain cases a NullPointerException could occur in the list box on the server side:
      at se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualClist box.setSelectionFlags        
      at se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualClist box.refresh        
      at se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel.a        
      at se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualPanel.update        
      at se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCNoteBookPage.refresh        
      at se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualCNoteBook.refresh
  • 010903 1516OB Remote Command Line Utility error
    Commands returning an answer from the server caused EOF exception in some Java versions although the commands were completed successfully.
  • 010823 0912OB GOF doesn't find application specified with backward slash path
  • 010625 1713OB serverAdminRuntime= gives NullPointerException
  • Entry field disable followed by enable sets wrong background color
    When an entry field is disabled and then reenabled, it could have the panel background color instead of the default color (e.g. white).