Java 8 Support

Java 8 is now supported in NetPhantom all programs:

  • Client,
  • Server,
  • Starter,
  • Editor,
  • Eclipse plug-ins for NetPhantom,
  • Command line build system,
  • License Manager,
  • Remote Assistance,
  • RAPP.

Java 8 is currently bundled with NetPhantom Quick Start.

Installing and Configuring Java 8 Support in NetPhantom Editor

Perform the following steps to install the Java 8 support and configure the Editor and Eclipse to use it.

  1. Download a Windows 32-bit flavor of the Java 8 Development Kit from Oracle Java SE Development Kit 8 Downloads and install it.
  2. In the text below it is assumed to be installed into the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\java\jdk1.8.0. Make sure to change the path to your install path if different.
  3. Edit the PHANTOM.INI file in the NetPhantom installation directory and specify entry

         jvm.dll=C:\Program Files (x86)\java\jdk1.8.0\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll

    in the [Java] section.

  4. Edit the Eclipse initialization file in the NetPhantom Quick Start directory, e.g. C:\NetPhantom 6 QS\eclipse\eclipse.ini. The two first lines in the file

         C:/NetPhantom 6 QS/jdk1.7.0/bin/javaw.exe

    should be changed to

         C:/Program Files (x86)/java/jdk1.8.0/bin/javaw.exe

  5. Start Eclipse with the NetPhantom shortcut Eclipse - Samples Workspace.
  6. Follow the steps as described in Installing and Configuring Java 8 Support in Eclipse below.

Installing and Configuring Java 8 Support in Eclipse

This section describes what is required to install Java 8 Support and configure it for Eclipse Kepler 4.3.2.

For Kepler SR2 (4.3.2) a feature patch needs to be installed. Perform the following steps in Eclipse:

  1. Select menu item Help - Install New Software...
  2. Enter the following URL into the Work with field:

    and press 'Enter'.

  3. Select category Eclipse Java 8 Support (for Kepler SR2).
  4. For faster install, deselect Contact all updates sites during install to find required software.
  5. Click 'Next'.
  6. Click 'Next' (second time).
  7. Accept the license.
  8. Click 'Finish'.
  9. Restart Eclipse when asked.
  10. In the restarted Eclipse, select menu item Window - Preferences.
  11. In the tree, select item Java - Installed JREs and make sure the jdk1.8.0 is present. If not, press Add... to add a Standard VM the installed Java 8 JRE by filling in the path to the Java 8 JDK in JRE home. Once the JRE (actually a JDK really) is added, the Window preferences dialog box needs to be closed and reopened by the menu item Windows - Preferences in order for it to show up in the available Installed JREs for the Execution Environment.
  12. In the tree, select item Java - Installed JREs - Execution Environment and make sure the JavaSE-1.8 is present, and check the Compatible JREs for the jdk1.8.0 that was verified or added in the previous step. This JRE should be a "perfect match".