Java 8 Support
Java 8 is now supported in NetPhantom all programs:
- Client,
- Server,
- Starter,
- Editor,
- Eclipse plug-ins for NetPhantom,
- Command line build system,
- License Manager,
- Remote Assistance,
Java 8 is currently bundled with NetPhantom Quick Start.
Installing and Configuring Java 8 Support in NetPhantom Editor
Perform the following steps to install the Java 8 support and configure the Editor and Eclipse to use it.
- Download a Windows 32-bit flavor of the Java 8 Development Kit from Oracle
Java SE Development Kit 8 Downloads and install it.
- In the text below it is assumed to be installed into the directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\java\jdk1.8.0. Make sure to change the path to your install path
if different.
- Edit the PHANTOM.INI file in the NetPhantom installation directory and specify entry
jvm.dll=C:\Program Files (x86)\java\jdk1.8.0\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
in the [Java] section.
- Edit the Eclipse initialization file in the NetPhantom Quick Start directory, e.g. C:\NetPhantom 6 QS\eclipse\eclipse.ini.
The two first lines in the file
C:/NetPhantom 6 QS/jdk1.7.0/bin/javaw.exe
should be changed to
C:/Program Files (x86)/java/jdk1.8.0/bin/javaw.exe
- Start Eclipse with the NetPhantom shortcut Eclipse - Samples Workspace.
- Follow the steps as described in Installing and Configuring Java 8 Support in Eclipse below.
Installing and Configuring Java 8 Support in Eclipse
This section describes what is required to install Java 8 Support and configure it for Eclipse Kepler 4.3.2.
For Kepler SR2 (4.3.2) a feature patch needs to be installed. Perform the following steps in Eclipse:
- Select menu item Help - Install New Software...
- Enter the following URL into the Work with field:
and press 'Enter'.
- Select category Eclipse Java 8 Support (for Kepler SR2).
- For faster install, deselect Contact all updates sites during install to find required software.
- Click 'Next'.
- Click 'Next' (second time).
- Accept the license.
- Click 'Finish'.
- Restart Eclipse when asked.
- In the restarted Eclipse, select menu item Window - Preferences.
- In the tree, select item Java - Installed JREs and make sure the jdk1.8.0 is present.
If not, press Add... to add a Standard VM the installed Java 8 JRE by filling in the path to the Java 8 JDK
in JRE home. Once the JRE (actually a JDK really) is added, the Window preferences dialog box needs to be closed and reopened by
the menu item Windows - Preferences in order for it to show up in the available Installed JREs for the Execution Environment.
- In the tree, select item Java - Installed JREs - Execution Environment and make sure the JavaSE-1.8 is present, and check
the Compatible JREs for the jdk1.8.0 that was verified or added in the previous step. This JRE should be a "perfect match".