New Remote Command Line Utility commands

The Remote Command Line Utility (using the Java class se.entra.phantom.radmin.ServerCommand) has been extended with 4 new commands:

  • PUT and PUTR enables transfer of one or more files to the server,
  • UPGRADE performs the first phase in the Server Upgrade process, i.e. to transfer the patch file for upgrade (patchXXXXtoYYYY.jar or preinstall.jar),
  • RESTART restarts the server (Soft, Hard or Hard Java VM) that can be used to complete the Server Upgrade (using Hard Java VM).


The commands PUT and PUTR have the following syntax:

PUT[R] destination filespec1 filespec2 ... filespecNN

The PUT command will transfer the filespec files from to the destination directory on the server. The wild card characters à-la-Windows (*?^) are supported.

The difference between PUT and PUTR is that PUT operates on file basis, whereas PUTR operates on file basis recursively, including subdirectories in filespec.


PUTR htdocs/helpdocs C:\MyApp\HelpDocs\*.html

will transfer all HTML documents from C:\MyApp\HelpDocs and all subdirectories to the server htdocs/helpdocs directory, creating the directory structure where appropriate.


The command UPGRADE has the following syntax:

UPGRADE patchFileName

The UPGRADE command will transfer the patchFileName file to the server directory to the file "upgrade.jar" and mark the server process that it can be upgraded (this will be performed at the next server restart using "Hard Java VM restart".

The patch file name should be "patchXXXXtoYYYY.jar" or "preinstall.jar". Once the patch file is transferred, use the RESTART command below to complete the server upgrade process (note that the "Hard Java VM restart" option is sometimes unavailable, e.g. when running the server as a Windows Service NetPhantomServerWindowsNTService.exe).


The command UPGRADE has the following syntax:


The restart of the server can be Soft, Hard or Hard Java VM restart, with the option to perform this immediately or deferred (i.e. when all users have closed their sessions).