NetPhantom Toolbox Wizard - Generic Code Wizard

NetPhantom provides a new API which allows the implementation of additional functionality from the Server Administration program. The GUI for new functions is built by the NetPhantom Editor. Additionally some new classes have to be created for the implementation, taking care of the input and output and finally doing the work.

A sample called "Generic Java Code Wizard" shows an easy way to install such helpful functions. The wizard supports creating Java source code that can be used in further developing of NetPhantom applications.

The features are:

  • adjusting package and class names automatically,
  • providing code for integrating custom configuration files (*.ini),
  • providing code to integrate a Phantom Object with a User Window.

Sometimes Java is used instead of REXX to implement a Phantom Object. In this case some "standard" coding must be written including "packaging" such as defining the correct package name, class name and object method.

Any type of information from NetPhantom Server can be accessed, using the instance of the class VirtualSessionManager.

Alternatively code can be produced to use private ini-files. In this case the class IniFile provided by the NetPhantom-API is used.

Another use can be a shortcut from a Phantom Object to a UserWindow. In this case, some source code is created to get access to a UserWindow (only the control ID defined in the Editor has to be assigned or adjusted) and to force the UserWindow to send a Transaction to the client.