Complex Mail Form template listing

Here is the source for the Complex Mail Form template, that is used to format the output of the body in the mail.

The first line in the code is a template command, that instructs the mail form CGI to remove lines with unused tags. This removes the lines with the checkboxes that were not selected.

The rest of the template is static text, with tags that will be replaced by the value of control.

  This mail has been formatted by the NetPhantom mail form template.

  The following checkboxes where selected:

  cb1 was ^cb1^
  cb2 was ^cb2^
  cb3 was ^cb3^

  In the radiobutton group, the following selection was made:

  The ^excl^ was selected

  In the combination box, the following item was selected:

  Selected row = ^list^

  The following free text was added: