Simple Mail Form

This page shows an example of a simple mailform. The mail form is the part with the gray background.

In this example, the entry field for the receiver is visible (the field labeled Your e-mail address:), to make it possible for you to send the mail to your own mail address. This field will usually be hidden, so that the end user can't change the mail address.

The same is also true for the carbon copy and the blind carbon copy fields.

In addition to the visible fields, the mail form contains several hidden fields. These hidden fields are used to specify the subject, sender and what page to show if the mail was send successfully, and what page to show in case of an error.

For more details about the hidden fields, view the source from the link below the mail form.


NetPhantom MailForm

  Your e-mail address:
  Cc address(es):
  Blind cc address(es):

  Enter your text here:



This mail form will not format the message in any special way. As a result the mail's mesage is a little unstructured, and the order of the fields included in the message is unpredictable.

You can view the source for the mail form here: mail form source