Listing of Source ../source/GOF/
package se.entra.phantom.server;

import java.util.Vector;

 * This class identifies entry field controls for the Gui-on-the-fly, from unused GofHostFields.
 * @author J. Bergström
public class GofEntryFieldIdentifier extends GofControlIdentifierAdapter implements PhantomControlType
  // ------------------
  // ------------------

   * Indicates the way the entry field's layout will be created.
   * Valid values are:
   * <pre>
   *    DEFAULT
   *    FONT
   *    COLOR
   * </pre>
  private String layout;

   * Filler character if there is one. Will be <code>null</code> otherwise.
  private String entryFieldFiller;

  // ----------------
  // ----------------

   * Loads setting for the control from the server ini-file.
   * <p>
   * This class has a setting that affects the look of the entry fields. This is the 
   * <code>entryfieldlayout</code> setting. Valid values for this setting are:
   * <pre>
   *    entryfieldlayout=DEFAULT
   *    entryfieldlayout=FONT
   *    entryfieldlayout=COLOR
   *    entryfieldlayout=FONTANDCOLOR
   * </pre>
   * DEFAULT means that no settings are taken from the template panel, default values will be used.
   * <p>
   * FONT means that the font is taken from template panel, from an output text with the id=E, id=ER, 
   * id=ENL or id=ENR (depending on the host fields justification, and if the host field is numeric or not). 
   * If this control cannot be found, or if it is not an output text control, default values will 
   * be used.
   * <p>
   * COLOR means that the color is taken from template panel, from an output text with the id=E, id=ER, 
   * id=ENL or id=ENR (depending on the host fields justification, and if the host field is numeric or not). 
   * If this control cannot be found, or if it is not an output text control, default values will 
   * be used.
   * <p>
   * FONTANDCOLOR means that the font and color are taken from template panel, from an output text 
   * with the id=E, id=ER, id=ENL or id=ENR (depending on the host fields justification, and if the host 
   * field is numeric or not). If this control cannot be found, or if it is not an output text control, 
   * default values will be used.
   * <p>
   * Any other value will be treated as DEFAULT.
   * <p>
   * There is also a setting that specifies if there is a filler character to use, and what character 
   * this should be. This setting as called entryfieldfiller, and if the filler character is the 
   * underscore character, it would look like this:
   * <pre>
   *    entryfieldfiller=_
   * </pre>
   * @param confFile The server ini file.
  public void getControlSettings( IniFile confFile, String subsection )
    layout = confFile.getData( subsection, "entryfieldlayout" );
    if( layout == null )
      layout = "DEFAULT";

    String setting = confFile.getData( subsection, "entryfieldfiller" );
    if( setting != null && setting.equals( "" ) == false )
      entryFieldFiller = setting;
      entryFieldFiller = null;

   * This class takes every unused GofHostField that is not protected, and creates an 
   * entry field from it. It will check if the current GofHostField points to the same 
   * host field as the previous GofHostField. If so, this is a continuation of the 
   * previous one, and will not be created.
   * @param gofRuntime        The GuiOnTheFlyRuntime instance.
   * @param areaIdentifier    The areaIdentifier in which the entry fields should be identified..
   * @param phantomHostScreen The Phantom host screen corresponding to the host screen.
   * @param hostScreen        The host screen that we are trying to build a GOF panel for.
   * @param newPanel          The newly created Gui-on-the-fly runtime panel.
   * @param offsetX           The offset in columns for popup window.
   * @param offsetY           The offset in lines for popup window.
  public void identifyCtrls( GuiOnTheFlyRuntime gofRuntime,
                             GofHostAreaIdentifier areaIdentifier, 
                             PhantomHostScreen phantomHostScreen, 
                             HostScreen hostScreen,
                             PhantomPanelData templPanel, 
                             PhantomPanelData newPanel,
                             int offsetX,
                             int offsetY )
    this.templPanel = templPanel;

    Vector<GofHostField> gofHostFields = areaIdentifier.getAreasGofHostFields( );

    GofHostField gofHostField = null, prevGofHostField = null;

    boolean hasListCont = false;
    Boolean b = ( Boolean )gofRuntime.getAttribute( "hasListCont" );
    if( b != null )
      hasListCont = b.booleanValue( );

    int lastListLine = -1;
    String listContMark = null;
    if( hasListCont == true )
      Object value;
      value = gofRuntime.getAttribute( "lastListLine" );
      if( value != null )
        lastListLine = ( ( Integer )value ).intValue( );
      listContMark = ( String )gofRuntime.getAttribute( "listContMark" );

    for( int i = 0, s = gofHostFields.size( ); i < s; i++ )
      prevGofHostField = gofHostField;
      gofHostField = gofHostFields.elementAt( i );
      if( gofHostField.hasBeenProcessed == false && gofHostField.isProtected( ) == false )
        HostField hf = gofHostField.getHostField( );

        boolean isCont = false;
        if( prevGofHostField != null )
          HostField prevHf = prevGofHostField.getHostField( );
          if( hf.equals( prevHf ) )
            isCont = true;
        if( isCont == false )
          int x = gofHostField.getX( );
          int y = gofHostField.getY( );
          int cx = gofHostField.getCx( );
          if( hasListCont == true && y == lastListLine && listContMark.equals( gofHostField.getText( ) ) == true )
            continue hostFieldLoop;
          // Create the base control.
          PhantomControlBase bc = new PhantomControlBase( GOF_MARGINX + ( x - offsetX ) * GOF_STEPX,
                                                          GOF_MARGINY + ( y - offsetY ) * GOF_STEPY,
                                                          cx * GOF_GUIUNITX,
                                                          CTRLTYPE_INOUT );

          // Create the PhantomHostField.
          PhantomHostField phf = new PhantomHostField( phantomHostScreen, hostScreen, hf );
          if( entryFieldFiller != null )
            phf.filler = entryFieldFiller.charAt( 0 );
            phf.flags = PhantomHostField.FORMAT_STRIPEND;
          phantomHostScreen.addHostField( phf );

          // Check the right justification of the field.
          boolean isRJ = ( hf.justification == HostField.HFJ_RightZero || hf.justification == HostField.HFJ_RightBlank );

          // Get layout parameters.
          int font = -1;
          int foregroundColor=-1;
          int backgroundColor=-1;

          PhantomControl templateControl;
          if( hf.type == HostField.HFT_NumericOnly || 
              hf.type == HostField.HFT_DigitsOnly || 
              hf.type == HostField.HFT_SignedNumeric || 
              hf.type == HostField.HFT_ImpliedDecimal || 
              hf.type == HostField.HFT_NumericShift )
            if( isRJ == true )
              templateControl = templPanel.getControlFromID( "ENR" );
              templateControl = templPanel.getControlFromID( "ENL" );
          else if( isRJ == true )
            templateControl = templPanel.getControlFromID( "ER" );
            templateControl = templPanel.getControlFromID( "E" );

          if( layout.equals( "FONT" ) )
            if( templateControl != null && templateControl.controlBase.type == CTRLTYPE_OUT )
              font = ( ( PhantomCEntryField )templateControl ).font;
          else if( layout.equals( "COLOR" ) )
            if( templateControl != null && templateControl.controlBase.type == CTRLTYPE_OUT )
              foregroundColor = ( ( PhantomCEntryField )templateControl ).getForegroundColor();
              backgroundColor = ( ( PhantomCEntryField )templateControl ).getBackgroundColor();
          else if( layout.equals( "FONTANDCOLOR" ) )
            if( templateControl != null && templateControl.controlBase.type == CTRLTYPE_OUT )
              font = ( ( PhantomCEntryField )templateControl ).font;
              foregroundColor = ( ( PhantomCEntryField )templateControl ).getForegroundColor();
              backgroundColor = ( ( PhantomCEntryField )templateControl ).getBackgroundColor();

          // Create the entry field.
          PhantomCEntryField ef= new PhantomCEntryField( newPanel, bc, cx, isRJ, gofHostField.isHidden( ), phf );
          ef.font = font;
          // Add the entry field.
          newPanel.addControl( ef );
          areaIdentifier.addControl( ef );
          gofHostField.hasBeenProcessed = true;