Listing of Source rappapi/server/
package server;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPElement;
import se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPCallClass;
import se.entra.phantom.server.rapp.CallClassInterface;
import se.entra.phantom.server.rapp.DefaultRemoteApplication;
import se.entra.phantom.server.rapp.RequestThread;

 * This class is called by the RAPP API in the NetPhantom Server
 * from the TestAPI application.
 * <p>Each time this CallClass action is about to start, a new
 * instance of the class (that implements this interface) is
 * created and called with the method <code>runAction</code>.
 * @see se.entra.phantom.rapp.RAPPCallClass
 * @see se.entra.phantom.server.rapp.DefaultRemoteApplication
 * @see se.entra.phantom.server.rapp.RequestThread
public class CallClassTest implements CallClassInterface
   * Runs the CallClass action.
   * <p>The return value is a success flag. A failure indicates
   * that the script must be halted after this action.
   * <p>The action has to set it's own error code in the class
   * and eventually also log the error/warning in the server log.
   * @return  true for success, false for failure.
   * @see se.entra.phantom.server.rapp.RequestThread#setReply
   * @see se.entra.phantom.server.rapp.RequestThread#setError
  public boolean runAction(DefaultRemoteApplication app,RequestThread requestThread,RAPPCallClass action)
    // Get the request data (it might be null) and print it out.
    Element request=action.getRequest();
    if ( request==null )
      System.out.println("#CallClassTest: No request data");
      System.out.println("#CallClassTest: Request data = "+RAPPElement.getElementString(request));

    // This code should normally do something meaningful, but
    // as this is just a sample, create a "static" reply now.
    // This reply is stored in an Element without a namespace.
    Document document=requestThread.getDocument();
    Element replyElement=document.createElement("myReplyData");
    RAPPElement reply=new RAPPElement(replyElement,null);
    reply.setAttribute("myReplyStringAttribute" ,"StringValue");

    // Create "child 1" element.
    RAPPElement child1=reply.createAppendedChild("myReplyChild1");
    child1.setAttribute("myReplyChild1AttrA","attr A, child #1");
    child1.setAttribute("myReplyChild1AttrB","attr B, child #1");

    // Create "child 2" element.
    RAPPElement child2=reply.createAppendedChild("myReplyChild2");
    child2.setAttribute("myReplyChild2AttrA","attr A, child #2");
    child2.setAttribute("myReplyChild2AttrB","attr B, child #2");

    // Add a nested child to "child 1" element.
    RAPPElement nestChild1=child1.createAppendedChild("myNestedReplyChild1");
    nestChild1.setAttribute("myNestedReplyChild1AttrA","attr A, nested child #2");
    nestChild1.setAttribute("myNestedReplyChild1AttrB","attr B, nested child #2");
    Element nc1=nestChild1.getElement();
    nc1.appendChild(document.createComment(" THIS IS THE NESTED CHILD 1 USER DATA TEXT DATA THAT FOLLOWS "));
    nc1.appendChild(document.createTextNode("This is an XML text node\nthat can contain <any> data, but beware of whitespaces!"));

    // Set the reply for the action.

    // Return OK to continue processing.
    return true;