Event Logging to the Windows Event Log
NetPhantom allows any server process to log event to the Windows Event log when running in a supported Windows operating system. The WindowsNTEventLog.dll contains the code to do this using JNI (Java Native Interface) in the NetPhantom Java package windowsnt.eventlog. By specifying the option -nteventlog (specified after the start class) the following server processes will log events to the Windows Event Log:
The NetPhantom Cluster Controller and the License Manager logs events with the originator NetPhantom Cluster Controller or NetPhantom License Manager. NetPhantom Server normally logs events with the originator NetPhantom Server unless the entry originator=originatorText in the [base] section in server.ini. Another option in [base] section in server.ini is logInformational={0 | 1} that can be set to zero (0) or one (1) if informational events should be logged to the Windows Event Log or not. NetPhantom Service normally logs events with the originator NetPhantom Service unless the entry originator=originatorText in the [base] section in service.ini. |