News in NetPhantom 6.5

Below are news implemented in NetPhantom 6.50 Build 6500 since version 6.00 Build 6100.

News in Version 6.50 Build 6500

  • Support for NetPhantom 5 application development in Editor
    NetPhantom Editor can now Compile a distribution for NetPhantom 5, i.e. create an application that is backwards compatible with NetPhantom version 5.x. This new feature makes it possible to use the power of the NetPhantom 6 Editor for applications running a production environment with NetPhantom Servers version 5.x.
  • Java 7 for Development Environment, Projects and Java Compiler
    NetPhantom Editor has been enhanced to be configurable for a NetPhantom Server running Java 7, along with the matching support in the Eclipse plug-in. This new feature enables configuration of Java 7 on Target NetPhantom Server as well as NetPhantom Project basis.
  • NetPhantom Quick Start
    The new version of NetPhantom Quick Start installs Java 6 and 7 and supports targeting NetPhantom Servers running Java 6 or 7.
    • Java 7 bundle
      NetPhantom Quick Start contains the Java SE 7 Development Kit Update 21 and Java 6 Runtime Environment Update 45. The Java 6 runtime enables compilation of the application with enforced Java version compilance, and the possibility to run the Client with it. This package is ideal to use when targeting application development for a NetPhantom Server that will run Java 7.
    • Java 6 bundle updated
      The NetPhantom Quick Start installation includes the latest Java 6 Runtime Environment Update 45 containing security fixes.
  • Eclipse plug-in enhancements
    The NetPhantom Eclipse plug-in has been enhanced with focus on speed:
    • Enhanced caching of application tree and references
      The massive information sent from the Editor to Eclipse for a very large application is now cached and optimized. This results in an overall speed increase of several thousand percent, while also reducing update delays dramatically in Eclipse after changes in panels in the Editor.
    • Selection set in Eclipse from Panel Editor
      The Editor can now set the selection of the current panel and the selected controls directly in the Eclipse Explorer, and update the Digest and References views. This is done with the menu item Panel - Select in Eclipse. An option to link the selection when panels are changed and/or controls selection is also available, choose menu item Panel - Link Eclipse selection. This feature enables to quickly locate the panel and control in question in Eclipse, e.g. to view the panel tree and its references.
    • Show selection when double-clicking on a problem marker
      When double-clicking a problem marker, the selection in Project Explorer and Package Explorer is set to the underlying resource (i.e. file) relating to the problem. The tree is expanded one level for the resource. For both Digest and References view, the input is set to this file if the views are not Linked to the Explorer views. This enhancement speeds up finding and solving problems in an application.
    • New short-cuts to Editor dialogs from Eclipse
      Access from Eclipse to the following Editor dialogs has been added: Available images, List objects, List pop-up menus and Hidden panels.
    • File name case checking
      Added "unresolved" state for file name case mismatch for file references used for combobox and bar files. This feature is very useful because the target application often runs on a Linux server where file name case is significant.
    • Application and Terminal data easier to find in Eclipse tree
      Added Application and Terminal data (NetPhantom.PHA and NetPhantom.PHE) as children in Eclipse tree under the NetPhantom.project file.
    • Show application image in Jar file
      Added support to open an image in a Jar file from the Eclipse Explorer, when the Jar file is in the application image path. The image is shown in the Available images dialog box.
    • Open containing panel instead of notebook page
      Added support to open the containing panel of the notebook page instead of the notebook page in the Panel Editor, when a request to open a notebook page from Eclipse, e.g. open a control in a notebook, or the notebook page data. This does not apply if the notebook page is contained in several panels, thus is not uniquely contained in a panel.
    • Grouping of items under Application data in Explorer
      The items Hidden panel, Objects, Pop-up menu and Referenced images are now grouped and can be individually expanded, thus the list of items below Application data is shortened.
  • New Automatic Client Jar feature
    The Editor has the new option Automatic Client Jar that can be used for all kind of Client resources and code, typically used for images. The Jar is maintained automatically during building in the Editor and also supports signing.
  • New host screen features
    New Editor functions:
    • Duplicate screen identifications
      A new option in the Editor is available to perform checks for duplicate screen identifications when saving a file. Use menu item Screen - Warn for screen identification duplicates.
    • Screen group analysis
      The Editor performs a host screen analysis when saving project or compiling a distribution, and setting up Screen groups for very fast hash search algorithm. Use the menu item Screen - Analyze screen groups to display the results.
  • Performance improvements in NetPhantom Editor
    Performance improvements of up to 100% for larger applications in the Editor. The Editor attempts to locate and configure the Java Server Virtual Machine that is available in the Java Development Kit by default. The Editor also consumes less memory when working with several applications at the same time or when using project switching.
  • Enhanced Application References report
    The Application references report has been enhanced with combination box with mismatch in file name case and image reference errors. It has also been reformatted to easier find references.
  • Lowered memory usage for NetPhantom Editor
    The Editor now consumes less memory when working with several applications at the same time or when using project switching.
  • Custom Swing Look-and-Feel in the Panel Editor
    A custom Swing Look-and-Feel can now be configured to be used when developing applications in the Panel Editor. Switching the display resolution together with the look-and-feel is also supported.