News in NetPhantom 7.7
In accordance with the long-term commitment of Mindus in providing a product attuned to today's computing environment,
the new NetPhantom version 7 focuses on server-side functions and client enhancements that support the developing innovations in Java,
with support for all Java Long Term Support releases, LTS, i.e. Java 8, 17 and 21.
NetPhantom Editor 7 requires a 64-bit Windows operating system, versions 7 to 11. It also supports
Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012, 2016, 2019, 2022 and 2025. It comes with Java 8, 17 and 21 by default in
the NetPhantom Quick Start setup.
All other NetPhantom components requires Java 8 or better to run,
the operating systems are not limited to Windows: you can use any operating system that supports the
Java Runtime Environment SE 8 or better (such as Linux and macOS).
We recommend using OpenJDK or Eclipse Temurin 21 "latest" versions (LTS, currently 21.0.4, with Hotspot JIT compiler).
Below follows news implemented in NetPhantom since version 6.90 Build 6900.
Also see news in the previous versions.
News in Version 7.70 RC4 Build 8xxx
- Tabnine AI Code Assistant in Eclipse
NetPhantom Quick Start now optionally installs the Tabnine AI Code Assistant
in Eclipse when first launched. An internet connection is required for the setup to be successful and Tabnine to function.
- Eclipse 2024-09
NetPhantom Quick Start is bundled with Eclipse 2024-09 version 4.33 that also includes
the Java 21 update 4 Runtime Environment. See New and Noteworthy
for more information about Eclipse news and changes.
- Support for Windows Server 2025
Support is now added for Windows Server 2025 for all NetPhantom programs.
- Support for Java 22 and Java 23
All programs now support Java up to version 23 except the NetPhantom Editor itself, being a 32-bit executable in need of a 32-bit JVM.
As 32-bit architecture JVMs are not built after Java 19 (support has been dropped), the Editor JVM uses a maximum of Java 19, by default Java 17 LTS.
The Server, Client, ClusterController and LicenseManager all supports Java up to version 23.
- Updated NetPhantom Starter with Java
The NetPhantom Starter bundled with Java now uses Java 8 update 422, 64-bit. It is the Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK by Adoptium for
Windows Intel Architecture. NetPhantom Starter also comes without bundled Java and also supports Java up to version 23.
- Updated OpenJDK (Eclipse Temurin) versions for Java 8, 17, and OpenJDK 21.
You must install the updated NetPhantom Quick Start to get these new versions as the patch
files do not include them (JRE = Java Runtime Environment, JDK = Java Development Kit):
- JRE 8 update 422, 64-bit,
- JDK 17 update 12 32-bit.
- JRE 21 update 4, JustJ 64-bit, shipped with Eclipse, it gets updated with Eclipse Check for Updates
and new version can be installed by installing new software in Eclipse.
- Updated Jar file versions
The installer and the patch files include these updated Jar files:
- NetRexx updated to 4.06-GA with support for Java 8 to 21.
- BouncyCastle Jars 1.78.1 (bcprov.jar, bcpkix.jar and bcutil.jar),
- Jose4J updated to version 0.9.6.
News in Version 7.60 Build 8336
- Support for Java 21
All programs now support Java 21 except the NetPhantom Editor itself, being a 32-bit executable in need of a 32-bit JVM.
As 32-bit architecture JVMs are not built after Java 19 (support has been dropped), the Editor JVM uses a maximum of Java 19, by default Java 17.
The Server, Client, ClusterController and LicenseManager all supports Java 21.
- Eclipse 2023-09
NetPhantom Quick Start is bundled with Eclipse 2023-09 version 4.29 that also includes
the Java 17 update 8.1 Runtime Environment. See New and Noteworthy
for more information about Eclipse news and changes.
- Updated OpenJDK (Eclipse Temurin) versions for Java 8, 11, 17, and OpenJDK 21 from Oracle.
You must install the updated NetPhantom Quick Start to get these new versions as the patch
files do not include them (JRE = Java Runtime Environment, JDK = Java Development Kit):
- JRE 8 update 382, 64-bit,
- JRE 11 update 20.1, 64-bit.
- JRE 17 update 8.1, JustJ 64-bit, shipped with Eclipse, it gets updated with Eclipse Check for Updates
and new version can be installed by installing new software in Eclipse.
- JDK 17 update 8.1 32-bit.
- JRE 21, 64-bit.
- Updated Jar file versions
The installer and the patch files include these updated Jar files:
- NetRexx updated to 4.05-GA with support for Java 8 to 21.
- BouncyCastle Jars 1.76 (bcprov.jar, bcpkix.jar and bcutil.jar),
- ACME4J updated to version 2.16,
- Jose4J updated to version 0.9.3.
News in Version 7.50 Build 8138
- Java 19 support
Support for Java 19 for all NetPhantom programs.
- Eclipse 2022-12
NetPhantom Quick Start is bundled with Eclipse 2022-12 version 4.26 that also includes
the Java 17 update 5 Runtime Environment (Eclipse Temurin called "JustJ"), both as 64-bit versions.
"JustJ" can be updated to most any Java version, notably Java 19 Update 2, without reinstalling Eclipse or NetPhantom.
See New and Noteworthy for more information.
- Updated Jar file versions
The installer and the patch files include these updated Jar files:
- NetRexx updated to 4.04-GA with support for Java 8 to 19.
- BouncyCastle Jars 1.72 (bcprov.jar, bcpkix.jar and bcutil.jar),
- ACME4J updated to version 2.15,
- SLF4J updated to version 1.7.36,
- Jose4J updated to version 0.9.2.
- Updated OpenJDK (Eclipse Temurin) versions for Java 8, 11.
You must install the updated NetPhantom Quick Start to get these new versions as the patch
files do not include them:
- Java Runtime Environment version 8 update 362, 64-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 11 update 18, 64-bit.
- Java Runtime Environment version 17 update 5, JustJ 64-bit, shipped with Eclipse, it gets updated with Eclipse Check for Updates
and new version can be installed by installing new software in Eclipse.
- Updated OpenJDK version for NetPhantom Starter SSL bundled with Java 17
The Eclipse Temurin Java Runtime Environment 17 update 6 in 64-bit is now used for
NetPhantom Starter SSL that is bundled with Java. The intention is to make NetPhantom Starter (SSL) replacing
the missing Java Web Start to launch a NetPhantom Client synchronized with the NetPhantom Server in question.
Feedback on new features or changes are welcome.
News in Version 7.40 Build 8045
- Eclipse 2022-03 with Java 17 update 2 Runtime Environment
NetPhantom Quick Start is bundled with Eclipse 2022-03 version 4.23 that also includes
the Java 17 update 2 Runtime Environment, both as 64-bit versions.
See New and Noteworthy for more information.
News in Version 7.40 Build 8033
- Updated OpenJDK (Eclipse Temurin) versions for Java 11 and 17
You must install the updated NetPhantom Quick Start to get these new versions as the patch
files do not include them:
- Java Runtime Environment version 11 update 14.1, 64-bit.
- Java Runtime Environment version 17 update 2, 32-bit.
- Updated OpenJDK version for NetPhantom Starter SSL bundled with Java 11
The Eclipse Temurin Java Runtime Environment 11 update 14.1 in 64-bit is now used for
NetPhantom Starter SSL that is bundled with Java.
- NetPhantom Client enforcing HTTPS instead of HTTP for secure connections
The RESURL parameter in NetPhantom Client is now always enforcing HTTPS protocol
for secured server connections, even if the parameter was set to HTTP. This is an important
change as not only images are loaded from the RESURL, but e.g. custom client Java code could
also be loaded from there too.
News in Version 7.40 Build 7991
- Eclipse 2021-12 with Java 17 update 1 Runtime Environment
NetPhantom Quick Start is bundled with Eclipse 2021-12 version 4.22 that also includes
the Java 17 update 1 Runtime Environment, both as 64-bit versions.
- Updated Jar file versions
The installer and the patch files include these updated Jar files:
- BouncyCastle Jars 1.70 (bcprov.jar, bcpkix.jar and bcutil.jar),
- NetRexx updated to 4.02-GA with support for Java 8 to 19.
- Updated OpenJDK (Eclipse Temurin) versions for Java 8 and 11
You must install the updated NetPhantom Quick Start to get these new versions as the patch
files do not include them:
- Java Runtime Environment version 8 update 322, 64-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 11 update 14, 64-bit.
- Updated OpenJDK version for NetPhantom Starter SSL bundled with Java 11
The Eclipse Temurin Java Runtime Environment 11 update 14 in 64-bit is now used for
NetPhantom Starter SSL that is bundled with Java.
News in Version 7.40 Build 7963
- Updated OpenJDK (Eclipse Temurin) versions for Java 8, 11 and 17
You must install the updated NetPhantom Quick Start to get these new versions as the patch
files do not include them:
- Java Runtime Environment version 8 update 312, 64-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 11 update 13, 64-bit,
- Java Development Kit version 17 update 1, 32-bit.
- Updated OpenJDK version for NetPhantom Starter SSL bundled with Java 11
The Eclipse Temurin Java Runtime Environment 11 update 13 in 64-bit is now used for
NetPhantom Starter SSL that is bundled with Java.
News in Version 7.40 Build 7958
- Support for Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022
Support is now added for Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022 for all NetPhantom programs.
- Java 17 support
Support for Java 17 for all NetPhantom programs.
- New code signing certificate
New code signing certificate for NetPhantom issued by Sectigo, valid 3 years.
- New NetPhantom Starter bundled with Java
A NetPhantom Starter (64-bit) with
SSL and bundled Java is now available to install. The installation is large, about 120 MB,
much due to the bundled Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The JRE is currently
Java 11 Update 12 in 64-bit, thus this installation is only supported on 64-bit machines.
- Host session option to enable specific TLS version for SSL communication
A new option is available for the Host session configuration *TLS:protocols.
The protocols is a colon-separated list of valid protocols. Certain hosts still
require e.g. the TLSv1.0 (specified as TLSv1). Please note that the Java security must
sometimes remove this protocol specified in lib/security/ and
specifically the entry jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms. Enabling e.g. TLSv1.0 for the JVM
will not cause the NetPhantom Web Server to use other algorithms than what it is configured for.
- Increased limit of maximum number of main menus in the menu bar
The maximum number of main menus in the menu bar was previously 16 and is now increased to 32.
This change only affects the Editor and older NetPhantom 6.9 and 7.x versions of other programs
such as the Server or the Client are not affected by this change.
- Eclipse 2021-09 with Java 16 update 2 Runtime Environment
NetPhantom Quick Start is bundled with Eclipse 2021-09 version 4.21 that also includes
the Java 16 update 2 Runtime Environment, both as 64-bit versions.
- Updated OpenJDK (Eclipse Temurin) versions for Java 8, 11 and 17
You must install the updated NetPhantom Quick Start to get these new versions as the patch
files do not include them:
- Java Runtime Environment version 8 update 302, 64-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 11 update 12, 64-bit,
- Java Development Kit version 17 update 1, 64-bit,
- Java Development Kit version 17, 32-bit.
- Updated Jar file versions
The installer and the patch files include these updated Jar files:
- Jose4J updated to version 0.7.9,
- SLF4J updated to version 1.7.32.
News in Version 7.30 Build 7541
- New NetPhantom Client option to disable specific "beep" operation
The new option NOBEEP:options makes it possible to disable the list of options below.
Multiple options can be specified, separated by a colon (':'), e.g. NOBEEP:HOST:HOST_ERR:TERMINAL.
The possible options for disabling beeps are:
* |
All beeps. |
Message box shown with non-question type. |
Invalid operation. |
Invalid mouse operation such as click, drag. |
3270/5250 host-induced terminal alarm. |
Alarm for server error in 3270/5250 session. |
Invalid operation in 3270/5250 terminal. |
Server-side, API induced from REXX, Java or System. |
- Added Bouncy Castle Utility Jar file
The NetPhantom Server now requires an additional bcutil.jar file to be on the classpath
in order for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate support to function. There has been a change in Let's Encrypt
algorithms requiring this addition (see Fixes document).
- Updated Jar file versions
The installer and the patch files include these updated Jar files:
- ACME4J updated to version 2.12,
- SLF4J updated to version 1.7.31.
News in Version 7.30 Build 7527
- Eclipse IDE 4.20 (2021-06) 64-bit
NetPhantom Quick Start is now bundled with Eclipse
IDE 4.20 (2021-06) 64-bit for Java Developers.
You must install the updated NetPhantom Quick Start to get this new version as the patch files do not include the Eclipse IDE.
- New OpenJDK version 16
You must install the updated NetPhantom Quick Start to get this new version as the patch files do not include it:
- Java Runtime Environment version 16 update 1, 64-bit, provided with Eclipse in NetPhantom Quick Start.
- Updated OpenJDK versions for Java 8, 11
You must install the updated NetPhantom Quick Start to get these new versions as the patch files do not include them:
- Java Runtime Environment version 8 update 292, 64-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 11 update 11, 64-bit.
- Updated Jar file versions
The patch files include these updated Jar files:
- NetRexx updated from 3.08-GA to 4.01-GA with support for Java 9 to 17,
- BouncyCastle updated to version 1.69,
- Jose4J updated to version 0.7.8.
- New NetPhantom Client option BGCLR to set the default background color in panels
This BGCLR option is only supported in the Windows (XP and Classic) look-and-feels. The parameter is specified
as a six-digit HEX color prefixed with '#' much like in HTML. An example to set the background color to
darker gray is BGCLR:#e0e0e0 as the default Windows background color is #f0f0f0 (and sometimes not dark enough).
News in Version 7.30 Build 7470
- More improvements in the UI
A few new user interface improvements and associated bug fixes are included in this build, in addition to the
ones already fixed in Build 7462.
- Windows "Modern" Look-and-Feel (a.k.a Windows XP Look-and-Feel - not Windows Classic) did not draw the check
boxes, radio buttons and submenu arrow with a crisp image as soon as the display scaling passed 100%. It was
extremely fuzzy, almost unbearable for a UI type of person. So, it is now so crisp and sharp in every scaling,
and faster, not using bitmaps but vector drawing.
- Addition to Graphics drawing (includes text, bitmap stretching and rendering, and all other lines or shapes
that are drawn. The "Quality" Rendering Hint is now added everywhere, and the text antialiasing and kerning is
even better now.
News in Version 7.30 Build 7462
- Support for Java 16
NetPhantom projects now supports Java 16, see JDK 16 Release Notes.
This Java 16 version can be used for all NetPhantom programs except NetPhantom Editor and NetPhantom Client, still only supporting up to Java 15
runtime environments. Java 16 is not bundled with NetPhantom as it is not a Long Term Support (LTS) version.
- Eclipse 4.19 (2021-03) 64-bit
NetPhantom Quick Start is now bundled with Eclipse 4.19 (2021-03) 64-bit for Java Developers.
In order to enable Java 16, install it from the Eclipse Marketplace.
If you only update NetPhantom Editor with the "patch files", you will not receive the new Eclipse 4.19 (2021-03):
You must install it with a full NetPhantom Quick Start setup.
- Improvements in the UI
Several user interface improvements and associated bug fixes are included in this build:
- All fonts are now kerned nicely and in the resolution scaling's of 125% to 175%, a tighter font tracking is
used as well as fractional font metrics. The system settings for antialiasing as well as specific LCD contrast
keys are also used. This new font drawing could cause slight changes in panels, typically that some texts that
were truncated no longer are, and even more visible on scaling's over 100%.
- NetPhantom Client FONT parameter now only supports "FONT:SCALE:number" or the new one for short
"SCALE:number". The DPI and FACTOR (FONT) scaling's are dropped due to display incompatibles
requiring Java 11 or better, where the "SCALE" setting works well instead.
- NetPhantom Client now sets the system scaling of the display for panels automatically, without having to specify
any parameters.
- Better support when moving a panel between different screens that use separate scaling's.
- NetPhantom Client now properly scales panels and fonts in panels for OpenJDK 8. Oracle JDK 8 Update 281 still has no such
support, unless turned on, see here how to
turn it on. When turned on, it will also scale properly and not show fuzzy panels in screen resolutions with
scaling over or equal to 125%.
- Optimized drawing of scaled system icons or images in Look-and-Feel's.
- Substituted fonts on the Client side now produces a verbose log of the substitutions.
News in Version 7.21 Build 7408
- Updated OpenJDK for Java 8, 11 and 15
The installation of NetPhantom Quick Start is bundled with the following OpenJDK versions and architectures:
- Java Development Kit version 15 Update 2, 32-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 8 update 282, 64-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 11 update 10, 64-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 15 Update 2, 64-bit,
The 64-bit architecture is used for Eclipse, whereas 32-bit is only used by NetPhantom Editor.
- New NetPhantom Client @filename parameter
A new NetPhantom Client parameter can now be specified as @filename. The filename is loaded using
the "UTF-8" character set, and all its lines are used as parameters as they are, i.e. with empty lines, indentation,
spaces, line endings, tabs, etc. The parameters loaded from the file will therefore replace the @filename parameter
News in Version 7.20 Build 7391
- Eclipse 4.18 (2020-12) 64-bit
NetPhantom Quick Start is now bundled with Eclipse 4.18 (2020-12) 64-bit for Java Developers.
- Updated OpenJDK for Java 8, 11 and 15
The installation of NetPhantom Quick Start is bundled with the following OpenJDK versions and architectures,
in italic the new versions:
- Java Development Kit version 15 Update 1, 32-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 8 update 275, 64-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 11 update 9, 64-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 15 Update 1, 64-bit,
The 64-bit architecture is used for Eclipse, whereas 32-bit is only used by NetPhantom Editor.
- Added Renew Let's Encrypt certificates
The Ports configuration in the Server Administration program now supports renewal of Let's Encrypt certificates.
- Updated support Jars
The support Jars are updated:
- Acme4j version 2.11,
- JOSE4j version 0.7.3,
- BouncyCastle version 1.68,
- Xerces2 version 2.12.1.
News in Version 7.10 Build 7335
- Updated OpenJDK for Java 8, 11 and 15
The installation of NetPhantom Quick Start is bundled with the following OpenJDK versions and architectures:
- Java Development Kit version 15 Update 1, 32-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 8 update 272, 64-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 11 update 9, 64-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 15 Update 1, 64-bit,
The 64-bit architecture is used for Eclipse, whereas 32-bit is only used by NetPhantom Editor.
News in Version 7.10 Build 7327
- Eclipse 4.16 (2020-06) 64-bit – Note: regression
NetPhantom Quick Start is now bundled with Eclipse 4.16 (2020-06) 64-bit for Java Developers.
The original NetPhantom 7.1 builds (prior to this build) contained Eclipse 2020-09 version 4.17 for Java Developers (64-bit), but it has a bug that
sometimes causing launching and debugging of Java Applications not to work. Eclipse 2020-09 does not include Java 15 support "as is", a Patch must be installed.
NetPhantom 7.2 will include Eclipse 4.18 (2020-12) and have full Java 15 support in Eclipse. Please note that Java 15 is still supported in NetPhantom 7.1.
News in Version 7.10 Build 7272
- Eclipse 4.17 (2020-09) 64-bit
NetPhantom Quick Start is now bundled with Eclipse 4.17 (2020-09) 64-bit for Java Developers.
This means that the address space is considerably larger, and the memory can be increased well over 1 GB for very large applications or
many projects open at the same time.
- Support for Java 15
NetPhantom now supports Java 15 for all its programs. To use Java 15 code, you must use Eclipse 4.17 (2020-09)
or better, bundled with NetPhantom Quick Start.
- Updated OpenJDK for Java 8 and Java 15
The installation of NetPhantom Quick Start is bundled with the following OpenJDK versions and architectures,
where only the Java 8 has been updated from 262 to 265, the other OpenJDK versions remains the same. For complete list,
here are the bundled OpenJDK versions and architectures; in italic the updated version:
- Java Development Kit version 15, 32-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 15, 64-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 11 update 8, 64-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 8 update 265, 64-bit,
The 64-bit architecture is used for Eclipse, whereas 32-bit is only used by NetPhantom Editor.
News in Version 7.00 Build 7180
- NetPhantom is now bundled with OpenJDK
The installation of NetPhantom Quick Start is bundled with the following OpenJDK versions and architectures:
- Java Development Kit version 14, update 2, 32-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 14 update 2, 64-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 11 update 8, 64-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 8 update 262, 64-bit,
The 64-bit architecture is used for Eclipse, whereas 32-bit is only used by NetPhantom Editor.
News in Version 7.0 RC3 Build 7146
- NetPhantom support for Java 11 and 14
The NetPhantom Client, Editor, Server, Cluster Controller and License Manager now supports running Java versions 11 or 14.
The NetPhantom Client will handle screen DPI scaling on System Level, not on a Monitor/Display Level. NetPhantom Editor
requires a 32-bit JDK (bundled with NetPhantom Quick Start).
- Eclipse 4.16 (2020-06) 64-bit
NetPhantom Quick Start is now bundled with Eclipse 4.16 (2020-06) 64-bit for Java Developers.
This means that the address space is considerably larger and the memory can be increased well over 1 GB for very large applications or
many projects open at the same time.
- NetPhantom is now bundled with OpenJDK
The installation of NetPhantom Quick Start is bundled with the following OpenJDK versions and architectures:
- Java Development Kit version 14, update 1, 32-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 14 update 1, 64-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 11 update 7, 64-bit,
- Java Runtime Environment version 8 update 252, 64-bit,
The 64-bit architecture is used for Eclipse, whereas 32-bit is only used by NetPhantom Editor.
- NetPhantom Editor high-resolution screen support
Support for HiRes DPI screens is now available in the Editor. By default the edited panels are using
scaling of 100%, but this can easily be changed in the Editor to the request scaling level.
The NetPhantom Editor will handle screen DPI scaling on System Level, not on a Monitor/Display Level.
- NetPhantom Client using Java 8 and high resolution screen support
Support for HiRes DPI screens is now available in the Client, but it must be turned on specifically
with Java 8. Follow this link for more information.
The NetPhantom Client will handle screen DPI scaling on System Level, not on a Monitor/Display Level.
NetPhantom Quick Start will automatically set DPI-awareness to the included 64-bit JRE and 32-bit JDK of
Java version 8 during its installation.
- NetPhantom Client reconnection support
This setting enables a Client to lose connection due to a network problem or typically a laptop computer
that is disconnected from its docking station that has an Ethernet connection. When undocking this laptop,
it often switches over to a WiFi connection, and this can take some time, perhaps 20 seconds or longer.
During this switch period, the NetPhantom Client will normally lose the network connection to NetPhantom Server.
The reconnect timeout is set in server.ini using the reconnectTimeout setting in the [Base]
section. This value is specified in seconds.
- New settings for the NetPhantom Server Administration
The settings for pingClientTimeout (default to 2 minutes) and reconnectTimeout (default to 20 seconds)
are now configurable through the Server Administation program, using the menu item Server - Configure - Base.
On the first page, these settings are available to be changed. The setting pingClientTimeout requires a server
restart, and the setting reconnectTimeout only requires the client to shut down normally and then restart.
If you have an earlier version of NetPhantom, these values might be zero (thus disabling the functionality). If the is the
case, enter new values to your liking.
- News in short
More news in short for NetPhantom 7:
- Faster listbox implementation.
- Support for server-side ordering of SSL cipher suites.
- Enhanced SSL cipher suites dialog box.
- Option to disallow TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 (default disallowed).
- Option to disallow TLSv1.3 in case of problems (default allowed and enabled if JVM supports it).
- Added new weak cipher suites, aligning with TLS 1.2 and 1.3.
- ALPN support (http/1.1).
- Updated NetRexx and its documentation to version 3.08 GA.
- Updated BouncyCastle libraries to 1.65(.01).
- Tweaker for Look-and-Feels (Windows looks great), corrected as much as possible for Metal and Nimbus.
- Added JavaDoc references to Eclipse Platform's JavaDoc.
- Updated installation of JRE's and configured Java SE-NN runtime environments.
- Added "Metal" as Look-and-Feel as well as "Windows" on command line as LAF:Name parameter.
- Virus Scanning Software such as Windows Defender slows down NetPhantom Editor and Eclipse
When you have a virus scanning software such as Windows Defender, Avast, Norton, Kapersky, etc, you might experience a slow-down
in the Editor or typically in the Eclipse part, but also affecting start-up of NetPhantom Client. To remedy this situation, you may add
an Exclusion filter to where NetPhantom (Quick Start or Eclipe is located).
To perform this operation, open your virus scanning software, locate the Folder or Directory Filtering of virus scanning
(generally in some Advanced menu option). Enter the path to NetPhantom Quickstart, e.g. C:\NetPhantom 7 QS or if you have
installed NetPhantom and Eclipse separately, add those two root directories. You may see a difference in start-up time of up to 20 seconds,
and about 5 seconds when starting the NetPhantom Client.
Please note that this problem is not related to NetPhantom or Eclipse in general, it has to do with most of the virus scanning
software checking compressed Jar (and mostly signed) files installed for both NetPhantom and Eclipse as Java products.
- Dropped support for Java versions 1.6 and 1.7
NetPhantom no longer support Java versions 1.6 and 1.7. Applications compiled with Java 1.6 or 1.7 can still be used.
We strongly recommend upgrading to Java 11.
- Dropped support for Compile Distribution for NetPhantom 5
NetPhantom 5 applications can no longer be created from NetPhantom 7.
- Updated NetPhantom System Certificates
The NetPhantom certificate has been updated (SHA-256 from Symantec/DigiCert) and is valid until February 2022.
The Quick-Start SSL self-signed certificate has also been updated.
- Java unlimited cryptography automatically set
The unlimited Java cryptography for Java version 1.8 update 151 and better (including Java 9 and better)
is now automatically turned on by the NetPhantom Server, NetPhantom Editor and the NetPhantom Client
(when running directly as a Java program or from NetPhantom Starter). NetPhantom Client running with
Java Web Start must configure this on the client side by changing the Java cryptography policy settings,
see Oracle's Java documentation on this issue for more information.
- 5250 host sessions now default to sendFieldsForPageKeys
The setting sendFieldsForPageKeys in the [host] section of server.ini now has the value 1 or true
for 5250 sessions. If you wish to turn off this setting, set sendFieldsForPageKeys=0 in the [host] section.
Previous versions
The links below indicates news implemented in the respective version: