News in NetPhantom Version 4.0
These are news implemented in NetPhantom 4.00 Build 4233.
Also see news in the Older versions.
News in Version 4.00 Build 4233
- Four new settings for the NetPhantom Clients have been added, stored in the [base] section in
"server.ini" and configurable from the Server Administration program, accessible from the Client page from Server - Configure - Base.
These are ratio X,Y in % for the size of panels displayed on the client (ratioX and ratioY in "server.ini").
Support to turn off the default auto-complete behavior for comboboxes by setting the option Auto-complete for comboboxes (comboAutoComplete
in "server.ini"). By default, list box cells are not resized according to the ratio X,Y options and can now be changed using the option
Listbox ratio resize (listboxRatioResize in "server.ini").
- New Java API method VirtualCComboBox.setHostField. The function setHostField(VirtualHostField hostField) is made available
in the Java interface. The new host field is set immediately and can be remove if hostField = null.
- Integrated Editor with the NetPhantom Server reducing the development cycle by well over 50%!
- Automatic migration of application built in Phantom Editor (Hurricane) to NetPhantom 4 project.
- New feature for the Terminal window: Hot spots are either links to e.g. Web pages (http://address or https://address)
or FTP servers (ftp://address) or mail ( Hot spots can also be the keyboard function keys
(PF1-24=Function or Fxx=nn) or special keys such as Enter, Clear, PA1-3. Clicking with the mouse in a hot spot,
will either display the Web page, FTP program or mail system, or send the function or special key to the host session.
- New function to Run the NetPhantom Client directly from the Editor while before launching it, performing a
quick on-the-fly compile of the application.
- New feature: Background compile of REXX code.
- New Project based development architecture with Compile distribution feature including merge of other
external projects. The merge of projects is handled in a hierarchy of pre- and post-building.
Client-based code along with required external resources, etc, can be placed into a single
distribution JAR file (.JAR is the new file format for applications; instead of .PHR or .NPR files).
- New Terminal Editor for screen and fields identification with support for multiple undo/redo of actions, resize, move, wrap,
tool-tip text, etc.
- Terminal Editor enhanced with Copy HTML for HTML application referring directly to the host screen rather than a panel.
- Panel Editor now supports multiple undo/redo for e.g. Controls and Panels.
- New Native Java server based code as an object type.
- The Phantom-classes that handles loading of PHE/PHA/PHW/PHB files now have been enhanced with a save method enabling
loaded data to be modified in the classes and then written to disk (from Java).
- Support for keyboard character processing in menus not containing mnemonic characters, like under Windows XP.
- Terminal Window for the NetPhantom Client (as well as the NetPhantom Editor) has added support for Anti-aliasing (smoothing)
of the displayed font.
- Closing a client session that uses Phantom Session Booster now supports "proper" logoff for the user thus
removing user job logs creation. A Please wait dialog box is displayed during the logoff process.
- Option to minimize panels when the application is started using command line parameter MINIMIZE:1.
- Support for changing the directory for a runtime application (per user) where the combination box files are
loaded from. See Java API se.entra.phantom.server.VirtualRuntime and the methods get/setComboboxFileName.
- When Phantom Session Booster uses a selected PSB.INI file using the PSB.INI.DIR setting, the combination box
file directory is automatically changed to the location of that PSB.INI file.
- Support for the context menu key on enhanced keyboards used to display pop-up menus.
- The NetPhantom Terminal application now supports menu short-cuts and window icon. The menu short-cuts
are defined in the menu bar definition and the window icon in the panel data.
- Enhanced edit capabilities in NetPhantom Java Client with support for undo/redo and pop-up menus.
Supported components are entry field, multiple line entry field, combination box, spin button and editable listbox cells.
To enable the pop-up menu support, specify the NetPhantom Client option EDIT:1 (for the Java Application).
To enable both pop-up menu support as well as undo/redo functionality, set EDIT:2.
When the pop-up menu is displayed, it is prepended to existing pop-up menus. Localization of the text strings
for the edit actions Undo (Ctrl+Z), Redo (Ctrl+Y), Cut (Ctrl+X), Copy (Ctrl+C), Paste (Ctrl+V), Delete, Select all)
is also supported along with the respective action keys. Support for the EDIT option is also available for SmartApplet.
Older versions
The links below indicates news implemented in the individual builds: