News in NetPhantom 5.5

In accordance with the long term commitment of Nexum in providing a product attuned to today's computing environment, the new NetPhantom version 5.5 focuses on server-side functions and client enhancements that support the developing innovations in Java.

Below are news implemented in NetPhantom version 5.50 Build 5500 since version 5.20 Build 5200.

Also see news in the previous versions.

News in Version 5.50 Build 5500

  • Secure communication with 3270/5250
    NetPhantom Server support for SSL with up to 256 bits encryption for host connections using Telnet 3270 and 5250.
  • NetPhantom Advanced Diagnostics
    The NetPhantom Advanced Diagnostics provides an easy means of diagnosing, monitoring and lightweight profiling. Designed for both production and development time use, it further enhances the capability of monitoring and performance analysis for the NetPhantom Server. This feature is used together with the jConsole tool provided in the Java Development Kit or the VisualVM tool.
  • Support for Java 7
    NetPhantom now fully supports the Java 7 version, i.e. Java Runtime Environment 1.7 and Java Development Kit 1.7, in NetPhantom Client, Server and Editor.
  • Modern new Client Look-and-Feel
    A new Swing look-and-feel for the Client "Nimbus" is now supported in NetPhantom. This look-and-feel is cross-platform, i.e. it can be displayed instead of "Metal" look-and-feel on Windows, Linux and Mac. Nimbus is available in NetPhantom when running Java 1.7 or 1.6 update 23 or better.
  • Extended browser support
    NetPhantom Client now supports Chrome 9 to 16 (Beta versions), Internet Explorer 9, Internet Explorer 10 (Preview), Firefox 4 to 8, Firefox Aurora (Preview), Opera 11.1 and 11.5, and Safari 5 to 5.1.
  • Enhanced client start-up time
    The NetPhantom Client has been enhanced for quicker start-up. When using proxies or having a large DNS network, the start-up time is drastically reduced.
  • New Program Logging API
    A programmatic logging API is now available from REXX.
  • New option to enable focus to output text controls
    Output text controls in panels can now receive input focus and also supports host cursor movement. The option can be set individually for each control ("Enable focus") or for the entire application in the Application data on the Main/Pop-up page ("Enable focus to all output text controls"). Objects connected to the control receives Focus and Defocus messages if configured for it.
  • New Copy pop-up menu item for static and output text
    Static and output text controls displays a Copy menu item when pressing mouse button 2 or Shift+F10 in the contextual pop-up menu of the control. This enables to easily copy the text.

Previous versions

The links below indicates news implemented in the individual builds: